didn't really do much on this last night .... at all 8)
Removed the masking tape just now from the topside after checking and finding it melding with the clear-coat ( Future - of course : ) ....
That blue ,' low-tac ' 3M painter's tape .. -- left me with a mess .
The Tamiya and Micron tapes don't provide me with said enjoyment of more work-making ;D so we will continue forward without the triple Em ...
The inks definitely affect the cure time of the Future .
I'm assuming it's the addition of the alcohol solvent of the ink mix .
I had to repair a crater up-top from the masking tape assault .
Then I got out the handy rubbing alcohol and removed what went from ick to ugh down below
I just can't get over how retro and futuristic this looks at the same time. Very 70's... 2070's
If you are so inclined to add a little internal detail this thing is screaming for a couple of long skylight windows over a dance floor with a disco ball hanging from the ceiling. ;D
installed a couple of 1/2" ring magnets to allow removal of main engine .
Epoxied to a nut and screw prior to being embedded in Aves epoxy sculpt ( nut is for increased magnetic pull -- really unnecessary , but ... : .. should be about 10 lbs of pull 8) )
They influence each other even at this 170mm distance -- turn one and the other aligns 8)
... sorry for the blurry pic
Installed -- auto - positions components into proper orientation ;D
I've been wanting to attach the engine for a while but didn't want it in the way of the remaining work ....
I've been watching a lot of videos on the Apollo program and the Saturn V .
I was thinking ....
The tanks are liquid oxygen and hydrogen and they add ' Nano-Vapor-Bits TM ' ( stored in peripheral , cylindrical tanks inside the combuster body ) to create a super bright rainbow stream from the exhaust --- like a Lucky Charms comet ;D ;D
should be sooner than that . I've got that and the Giraffe sitting next to my desk to stare at ;D
I'll probably finish up the Giraffe dio first ,, who knows .
Check in on my Jagdturret build in armor ! ,, that's what this weekend will be about .
....... then I'll probably start up one of my IJN kits , heh heh
I need to finish at least one - I'm still planning on attending Modelmania 2016 :-\