USS Indianapolis CA-35

If you would like to participate in the group build, please post up in this thread:

The build is open to any warships of WWII era and any scale is welcome. Please post what ship and scale you would like to participate with as well as any aftermarket upgrades. Thanks in advance for those participating, and I hope all will enjoy the progress and end results.
Calico Jack
Talking about the Indy, 3-4 years ago I was at the very same market you mentioned in our previous conversation and saw an elderly gentleman wearing an Indy hat. I struck up a conversation and asked him if he was one of the survivors. The man was 97 years old and walked unassisted and normally, his mind and recollections were clear. He told me he transferred to another ship some time before she was sunk. He was doing his own groceries and later saw him in the parking lot loading groceries to his car and drove out. God bless him, a member of the greatest generation. Hopefully he is well and still here with us.
Absolutely amazing men & women of that generation. A bit more simpler times, and a much healthier lifestyle. I've met amazing service members at the VA from that generation. They are part of our National Treasure that we are losing, I just hope enough of us keep heed to their knowledge, history and teachings.

And unfortunately, only one living sailor remains from Indianapolis's sinking, Harold Bray.

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