Wanna learn about banks?


New Member
Jun 16, 2010
I've spent a fair amount of time learning how big corporations are often as evil as the day is long. But I never really understood how the banks worked. So I decided I should look into it. Here is a video that may help you understand banking better incase you don't already know. Apparently, most of us don't. :eek:

[1of6]Corrupt Canadian Banking
This video is not biased at all.
There is a number of other videos you can watch on Youtube that say basically the same thing. There is six parts to it. I haven't even seen them all yet. I'm sure someone could dispute parts here and there, but I think this is just the way it is. And there are loads of informative videos on the whole financial crisis of 2008. Fact is, we are all being taken for a ride. We'll, at least 99% of us. ;) ;D :-\
Youtube is as reliable of a source as Wikipedia. Your own wording shows your bias; "I've spent a fair amount of time learning how big corporations are often as evil as the day is long." Big corporations will exist regardless of the economic system. Most of the products inside your house, and the products used to make it, were manufactured by big corporations. It doesn't matter if you shop at a small "mom and pop", you're still buying products from large corporations most of the time. Big corporations allow the mass manufacture of products which can be sold worldwide. Take a look at your medicine cabinet, excluding patented name brand prescription drugs since these are solely produced by their respective companies, and imagine how empty it would be without big corporations to mass produce these drugs.


As far as the banks go, you're free to not use them. You can withdrawal all of your money and close your accounts. You can others to make runs on the banks as well. Just make sure to hide your money in a safe place, because if it were to be stolen you would be out of luck. However, even if you don't use the banks the places you spend your money are sure to use the banks.

As for the financial crisis of 2008:

"Inside Job" is a movie and should be taken with a barrel full of salt.
SoarinSukhoi said:
"Inside Job" is a movie and should be taken with a barrel full of salt.

Not according to my girlfriend.... who has a doctorate in economics......

More than that I cant say because its "her world".. I am a sound and video engineer... I work in waves and numbers and signals.. so the ins and outs of money and business really are not my thing AT All.
Ceecrbi, I actually started watching that one today but didn't get very far in it.

SoarinSukhoi, if you are suggesting that what these people are saying in these documentaries are false, then what is their purpose. What do they get out of it? It 's not that banks are the problem per se, it's private banks that hold profit at a higher ranking than the welfare of the people.

As far as the big corporations go, if you are taking their side, then I can't take anything you say too serious. To go into what they do would take up waaaaaaay to much space here. You mentioned the drug companies. The drug companies are just as bad as the rest. Some drugs are necessary and save lives. But the fact that they spend more money on advertising than on research of their own products ( they shouldn't even be left to do their own testing ) and charging much higher prices than need be, just isn't right. I once looked up the ten largest pharmaceutical companies. Then I put the name of each company in my Google search bar followed by the word "fined". Every one of them had been fined, many multiple times and for millions of dollars.

The idea here is for people to be informed so they can make decisions. We all aren't protesters. But we all spend money. You can choose to spend intelligently. Not all cloths are made in sweat shops, not all food is produced with chemicals. ,.. you get the idea. And yes, some people are taking their money out of the big banks and putting it in Credit Unions. People all over the world are awakening. Profit should not reign supreme over whats good for people and the planet. I refuse to be lead like a sheep with my eyes closed. ;)

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