Warmachine and Hordes (some more)

Gerlak Slaughterborn and Bloodgorgers

Black Ogrun Boarding Party
on the right is the 3 stock models, on the left are ones I changed poses for and swapped weapons sculpted a hand etc...

Blackbane's Ghost Raiders (aka Scooby Doo ghost pirates)
And some Hordes stuff

Gatormen (witchdoctor/voodoo style)

Druids (the models ar ea little clunky)
the level of detail in these figures are shocking what do you paint them with a human hair..truly beautiful work bud
They look great :) Are you using the P3 line of paints for them or some other acryllic paint??

It's nice to see more 28mm modelers in here, although I'm more of a 40K guy myself :D
thanks for the comments

TDA said:
They look great :) Are you using the P3 line of paints for them or some other acryllic paint??

Mostly P3 paints. I still have a few things from the GW line that just work better. I like the Chaos Black better than the P3 black. Also nothing beats BoltGun Metal for weapons and armor etc...
I also love the Brown ink from GW (but that has been discontinued and I am left to my stock piled reserve)
The P3 stuff works so much better and doesn't get as lumpy or dried out as quick. For those that may remember it is actually very close to the old GW paints of the late 80's early 90's that came in the same paint pots. ( I believe it was the Citadel line back then)

ps. I recenlty saw your tomb kings thread, that was some awesome work!
Thanks man, it was good fun painting :D

I must admit that the P3 line never caught my attention much, I delvd into Vallejo instead as they have some awesome paints and 3 very cool acrylic ranges to choose from :D

But I guess it's u to personal taste with all those manufacturers available these days, and I do try to incorporate the best of all worlds into my personal collection of paints :p
This is simply amazing work. I've been contemplationg venturing into War Gaming with my teenager and was looking for some fine examples of how the figures could be painted. You just set the bar on it! Great job.
Wow! Those look amazing! I love the tartan on that kilts and your freehands. :eek: I tried tartan once or twice and know from experience how difficult it is do do it convincingly. If you have a neat trick or technique feel free to share ;) Are those actual gaming models or display case touch-and-die models?

Greets, Sarah.
The tartans I did by laying down a green base, then did the thick red stripes, then the thinner off white ones some overlapping the red some overlapping the green and finally some really thin blue stripes. I made sure the paint consistency was enough to make it freely flow. I looked at tons of samples for tartans and just simplified some of the patterns

And yes, those are gaming miniatures :) I put on a coat of gloss varnish to help protect them, and then some testors dullcoat to knock off the shine
Terrific figures. Top notch paintwork. Very cool. The textile design are really nice.....tartan, robe scrolls, etc.
Really enjoyed viewing them. Bill

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