Well boys, looks like Sandy is coming!

Gladly, I dont think its going to make landfall other than some severe thunderstorms here in Jacksonville
It's looking like NYC is going to get hammered... Hopefully it's not as bad as they are saying it will be. I'm up in Rhode Island so we may not fare any better.
Stay safe all that's in the path of "Frankinstorm" Were may see some of the left-overs here in Central Ohio, they are saying snow/rain mix.

Stay safe!!!

I have been through a few of those storms living here in Texas. They are nothing to play around with.
Grendels said:
Stay safe!!!

I have been through a few of those storms living here in Texas. They are nothing to play around with.

I grew up in Puerto Rico and remember two hurricanes in 1979 Hurricane David passed south of the island but we felt the effects just the same. Five days later, hurricane Frederick, a cat 4 storm, hit us directly.
This was the one where I actually saw a piece of wood go into a tree like a spear!

Not fun!
The last big huricane that hit New England was huricane Bob which was pretty bad but not devistating. The way they are describing this storm, it sounds like they are saying it will be Huricane Katrina style damange....
I live up in the capital region a few hours north of NYC...looks like just the rain and some wind here depending on where it tracks...
I live in PA but heard that were spost to get a ton of rain from Sandy BUT also heard with the Artic air that is going to be passing through from the North when the two collide we could get a boatload of snow as well. Hoping now as I'm not ready for the snow yet but time shall tell. Be safe all with whatever you may get from the effects of Sandy. Will be praying for everyone.
I've been through my share of Hurricanes here in the north east, most notably Gloria in 85, and Bob in 91. In 91 I was still a single guy living in this house, bought a pony keg and had about six friends over. Bob took down a few trees in my yard and a couple of us went out and tossed a football around and walked the neighborhood to assess damage as it began to pass. Good times.

Bob was a strong category 2 with recorded gusts of a category 3, if Sandy isn't as strong I think we'll do okay. I'm more concerned with the amount of rain we may get at this point but it's still a few days off so if it strengthens a great deal I may change my mind. Otherwise, I've got plenty of fuel for the generator and pellets for the stove so unless she upgrades like a mad woman, I think we'll fare okay up here.
Dang BlackSheep what about me ;D I was praying for everyone FIRST Bawahahahaha. Guess Im chopped liver ha ha ha. Na just kidding man. They are now saying we here in PA are more then guarenteed to be losing power at some point and time as they have placed us in a state of emergency. Went to the store today to stock up on the essentials to make sure we had it. There wasnt a battery or generator in a hour radius. I was needing batteries and thought dang. So I went to one last spot a little hometown Mennonite ran store called Pallet Grocery (which is a discount surplus type store). By dang if they didnt have the D batteries I needed ha ha. Stay safe though my friend, again I will be praying for you and everyone else that may get hit by this bloody bloke.
Wait and see! It's all you can do!!! Not that the weather advisers actually have a clue most of the time, Sandy will do whatever she wants!

I am Ken with this ;D Thinking the rain will pack the worst of it. Good Ole Nor'Eastah!!

Black Sheep 1 said:
I grew up in Puerto Rico and remember two hurricanes in 1979 Hurricane David passed south of the island but we felt the effects just the same. Five days later, hurricane Frederick, a cat 4 storm, hit us directly.
This was the one where I actually saw a piece of wood go into a tree like a spear!

Not fun!

I hear you BS!!! The company I work for test all sorts of commercial products for for our parent insurance company. We insure a ton of pharmaceuticals in Puerto Rico...we test roofs for wind to Cat 5's...what you guys see there are Big-Boy Storms!! :eek:

Adam - I noticed that too. For our area at least, the news almost wants to "scare" the public into buying toilet paper, plywood and generators! I was watching 2 stations last night and one was saying we were going to have heavy rains and for a few hours some decent gusts....the other more conservative station had the apocalypse of biblical proportions. It's all in the tone. I am good with letting the public be vigilant and stay in front of this or any storm but scaring the general public into buying milk...geeez! ::)

With that....

My prayers for all that are in the path and that will be effected!! Batten down the hatches and find a good book to read!!! Take Care everyone!!!
Thanks everyone (and you too Hooterville, I think we can all use a little help from above wit this storm (why are most of the bad ones named after girls?)

I'm charging the batteries on the camcorder tomorrow and I'll probably be stupid enough to go out and video some of the storm. :eek: ......maybe.....
lol. Ill actually say an extra prayer for you BlackSheep but I actually am gonna look forward to seeing that video of the storm if its really bad and you do actually video it lol. For some odd reason Ive always wanted to witness that type of storm in person (Hoping noones hurt though lol). Gotta love living on the edge lol. Monday is when its spost to start hitting us here in PA but Im told were directly in the line of fire as of right now. State of Emergency already. Hopen the weather forecasters are wrong like they are most all other times ha ha ha.
Trying to reason with Nor'Easter season

Here in Richmond Va. we are just getting some wind at the moment. Nothing serious at all. That will come later tonight and Monday. I am hole up in my studio working on an early narrow hatch M4A3 Sherman 1/35th scale. I also have found a FANTASTIC on line Radio station on Live 365. The scifi station. Soundtracks and sound bites from Serenity, BSAG, LOTHR and more. Happy Modeling!
Hi Frank!!! You have it right!! Barricade yourself in the man-cave, modeling and enjoying the radio!!! Take care my friend!!!
Well, I'm all set.
Mag light
Car fueled up.
and the most important thing....

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