What scale modeling magazines that you read?


Active Member
Apr 24, 2009
Just thought I'd start a little discussion asking: what scale modeling magazines do you read / subscribe to?

I usually pickup FineScale when it has something interesting, I own a few issues of Tamiya Magazine and a few Military Modeler issues as well.
I'm letting my subscription to Fine Scale expire as I don't see much value in it anymore.

Out of curiosity I ordered an issue of SAM magazine from Sprue Brothers a while back and I was very pleased with it so I got me a subscription.

I want to check out Bret Green's magazines but keep forgetting to order a copy. ::)

So for now, SAM is it for me.
there is a few good ones out there Tamiya mag is ok but i find Miliitery model craft international one of the better ones,
TMMI and Military Modeler and Military Illustrated Modeller (Love the feel of it, nice thick paper and cover but it is £6.50!). Ive asked for subscriptions to the first two for my Bday ;D. I try and get Finescale when I see it, my local doesnt always stock it. And anything else that may have an interesting article or something that I have in the stash.
there much cheaper on the ipad if you have one mj? â'¬3.99 mabe less in sterling
Only got an iphone mate, allthough I have bought a Tamiya magazine on it and its handy but really is a bit small. Ive been thinking about picking an ipad up since the original rlease though.....sigh so much to buy lol
lol i know iphone is a wee bit small for reading a mag on. i pad still needs a bit a of a zoom in for me but its perfect when you for get about it and are at hom put up the ipad and download it ;D
more like an ebook but in full color. you pay for the app and your first mag is free, you can also get older ones in the app handy if you missed one or 10 ;D and there is subscriptions in there now i beleve.
Well ,when it comes to magazines i have to say one of my biggest pet hates is opening a mag and seeing stuff I've already seen on a forum /website somewhere :mad: getting people to pay for stuff they've already seen for free is a bit of a rip off in my opinion .Hence I dont buy many mags now ,I did have a long standing Sub with Military Modelling ,but it has really gone down hill this year ,so its been cancelled .
I do like the new Military Illustrated tho , especially Bret Greens edition , I also get Military Modelcraft International if there's something interesting in it ...Ken ;) I would also get Scale Auto Mag ,and the odd time Tamiya Model mag ...again if its interesting .

If you're talking about the Issue 200 (June ) ..yeah its not bad . Nice build of Plus Models Belarus (tractor) in it .

ya im interested in that tractor because its differnt and has millions of options for weathering :) and that jordan 191, that was my first model i built when i lived in london,
Yeah ,the Jordan is sweet ..you wont be disappointed then ,there's about 10 pages on it ;)

Too many, but I am a mag. hound I guess.

Lets see.

Tamiya Military Modeler
Tamiya Military Illustrated
Tamiya Aircraft Modeler (only if it has a few articles in it that I am interested in, other wise I pass)
FSM (Same as Tamiya Aircraft Modeler)
Scale Auto
Model Car Magazine
Scale Aircraft Modeler, aka SAM (weirdly... I find their Armor magazine better than their aircraft one, just seems better put together than the aircraft one, as a result I only get it if there are enough articles in it I like)
Scale Military Modeler
Airfix Model World (personally think this is one of the best all around mags out there)
AFV Modeller
AIR Modeller (occasionally)

Recently got one from Kagero called Super Model International....not too bad as well.
Every month: (these are all Japanese mags minus the digital FSM sub)

-Model Art
-Model Graphix
-FSM (bought a digital sub when I got the new iPad)

Sometimes if there is an article I want:

-Hobby Japan (90% Gundam)
-Dengeki Hobby (see above)
-Scale Aviation (~$15 a month per issue! only if I want something in it badly)
-Armour Modeling (see above)
FSM whenever there is something interesting to read. Tamiya Aircraft Modeling once in a blue moon. I picked up an issue of Military in Scale last week because it had the first of a 2 part article on building the Tamiya 1:32 Mustang. I like that mag a lot and I can see myself buing some more.
FSM and Scale Military Modeller International... have to scout the Book Sale every end of the month for the back issues, since they sale it about $2 USD converted to our currency vs the current issue that you can almost buy a trumpeter kit or DML kit.

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