I like very much a french magazine named "Steel Masters", it is very didactic to me, really. I have a nice lot of issues of it.
Well I´ve a small trouble... I don´t speak french, athough I´m able more or less to understand what are they talking about in the SBS, painting guides, and so...
I have also a pretty mix of modelling magazines from here and there (USA, Spain, Japan...), but as I´m "focused" in ground subjects, I prefer Steel Masters...
But currently I´ve stopped buying magazines (both paper and electronic editions)... and besides the money (magazines are cheap, take a lok at some PDF editions), in my case it is mainly because I feel that places like this (SMA)... with model reviews, techniques, SBSs, the contests, the chatting, the forums, "the community", etc... provides me a lot more ...