What to build... what to build...

Some started builds are huge! Maybe daunting. Maybe you're a little burnt-out...

I know that feeling...I tend to have lots of projects on the go (2-10 at any given time since I've joined this forum). I sometimes get bogged down - and because I've got no shortage of ideas for new projects that list gets bigger and bigger. And to make matters worse, everything that Chris builds I want to add to my stash - just because he makes it look easy. Not so when I build. Starting is not the problem for me, the problem is finishing in a timely & enjoyable manner.

I'd recommend to do something small (low parts count / no AM) and fast. It's advice I got once when I was in a modelling rut. I've gone back to it a few times now. Don't worry about being uber accurate, just build and paint. Test out techniques. I built some inexpensive 1:72 PM models kits or a 1:48 aircraft from Pegasus Models. The Pegasus Spitfire, Hurricane or BF-109 are nice (I'd stay away from the FW-190). Plan to build it over a week or two, give yourself a realistic goal and be sure to place it on your shelf when done.


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