Hey Guys !
Again ... Much appreciated with th kind words !! I'm glad every one's Diggin' it !!
@FUMBLE - Thanx Bro ! Actually this radio set is all Resin. No P.E. here & I'm almost glad & all hand painted ! Although th Head-phones are P.E. & Resin & th Throat Mics are all P.E. ( Verlinden's Tiger Detail set #1177) ....
@ E - Shooo ..... Thanx Dogg !! Oh , The AMPSCV meeting is tonight

.... I hope you went. I have an Auto CAD class every Thurs. Night, so I can't make it unless I can skate outta class early ... Not tonight. ... Hopefully next Month, My luck, Mid-Term's will be that night ! .... But We might get out early for that one ... Finger's Crossed !!
@LONGLANCE - Welcome to th
HERD ! Thanx for th kind words. .... speaking of Wittmann ... this particular part of His story I find really interesting . I've recently brushed up on it ... & what a shame. Here He is going out to Help a Green Horn ( New Commander, that had never seen Combat, let along Commanded a Tiger Kompanie

) & gets caught in an Ambush. There ya' go .. That's what you get when you try to help people ! There were so many times He could've avoided it. Hind sight is 20/20 I guess !! From what I've read it seems like Wittmann was a Great Commander to serve under. He wasn't harsh .. but fair ! Gave Credit where credit was due . He was well liked by th whole of the 101st. Liebstandarte !
@ BIG-JOHN - Thanx for th kind words .... I think if I wanna get any Good Head Bangin music, I'll need to extend th Stabs Antenna !! ;D - Great Tune BTW !!
MetallicA - Blitzkrieg