Woo-Hoo !!! At last ... I'm satisfied with th interior of Wittmann's Tiger & I'm ready to "Top it Out" . I've added some personal stowage, Magazines ( There's one you may recognize ! ) Newspaper & Sidearms !!!
So ..... take us to th Pix !!!!

Here you'll see I've added some ModelMakerZ pigments for th dirt & dried Mud ( cause it gets Dirty in Ye 'Ol Tiger ) ... There's a rather Ironic note : The Box of first aid supplies ! There's also a box of 9mm ammo, enough for everyone to get some !! The Crews Sidearms are in Their stations. In reading it mentioned that th Crews had a hard time getting in & Out of the Panzers with Their Pistols on Their side & often They would remove them for easy of Exiting & entering th Panzer !! You can also see Wittmann's preferred reading material - Military Miniatures in Review's Modeler's Guide to the Tiger Tank - that comes to Me courtesy of TRM Productions !! The cover is on Self-adhesive paper & I used some tissue paper coated with Matt Medium to replicate th pages inside !! Nicked from a Shoe Box no less !

Ah .. yes ... The Ladies of Tiger 007. Produced by TRM Productions, These Pin-Ups have a self-adhesive backing !! From Left to right .... Bettie Grabel ( What a dish ! ) Marlena Dietrich , & Rita Heyworth !! Sidearms perched in Their respective stations as well.

From th Loader's station you can see better , th stenciling on th stowage bin. The Verlinden decals were a touch on th thick side, but you can't really see it with th naked Eye. Also note on the sotwage box on the wall - it is labeled with 1 Head set & 1 throat mic. Th same decal appears on all of these types of boxes through out th Tiger .

Here's a close-up of the Vision Block. It's typical of th other one on th other side as well. I first painted it with Model Master Chrome, &Tamiya's Clear Green for th Armored Glass. Also a cool shot of the Girls !! Great rendering on these small pix !!!!
A close shot of the Loader's station so you can see th stencils. The Newspaper is also a TRM Production !!

From th Front of the turret lookin Aft. You can see th Commander's MP 40 stowed near th Escape Hatch, Stowage boxes. That Big "Shock Absorber" lookin thing is actually th Travel Lock for the Main Gun !! Some gathered Dirt was also thrown in for good measure !!

Moving down stairs .... You can see th Radios are Wired for Power, There's a Signal Magazine (TRM Productions) in th seat of th Radio Operator

The Driver has a Pin-Up of His Girlfriend ( TRM Productions) , his sidearm clos @ hand & some Dirt has accumulated in his area too ....

A top shot... you can see th Ammo Boxes , the Butt Stock for th Bow M.G. , Bi-pod & if you look real close you can see th Spare Barrel container on th side wall next to the Head set/Mic box

Finally a shot from th back .....
"Everything's ready to Go Kommander"
So, now I can set about gettin th Tiger sealed up & moving onto th Exterior of 007 !!
Woo-Hoo ..... C'Mon ... Let's hit th Pub .... SCHWEINHUND227 said He was buying th 1st. Round !!
And to the Girls of 007 .....
KISS - Hotter Than Hell - Anaheim 1976 - Destroyer Tour