Thanks guys ,sorry about the slight delay
I done the opposite side next then sealed both sides up with Klear ,this helps to protect the decal while handling and also helps to avoid the tape lifting it in the next stage .....
The top & bottom of the fuselage were done next along with the tail fin and the tail skid mount ,just remember to vary the grain in the panels by taking each one of a different area on the decal sheet .
The rest of the panels are done in exactly the same way as described above .
Awkward areas such as around the cockpit are done in the same way too , I found it easier to make the decal a little over sized here and trim in place with the new blade .....
Again ,the whole fuselage needs sealed ,I sprayed on several coats of Klear and once dry I gave it a gentle buff with a soft cloth (klear is a polish and reacts well to a light buff

And thats it ! ....Simples ,but very effective .The decal certainly takes a lot of work out of the job ,its very time consuming trying to create wood effects with oil paints ,more so when you need to do individual panels like on this aircraft .
You can of course experiment with different base colours and washes over the decal will also change the tone , something like clear orange or yellow over the top could be quite effective ,as could washes of Burnt umber or the like ...the choice is yours
I was very happy with the finished colour and effect on my fuselage ,so once sealed I went on to apply the markings ,these were again sealed and then a dark wash added to the panel lines ,but I will look at that more in another article .
But for now ,a few pics of the fuselage ready for detailing and some light weathering
Thanks for looking , please feel free to ask any questions