WW1 Diorama- Title TBD


Dec 30, 2024
While I'm waiting for more favorable weather to continue (painting) the space shuttle orbiter build, I got a wild hair to build a diorama after seeing some Tamiya WW1 dudes a couple weeks ago. Seeing the kit, and having recently read about various Europen battles in the 15th and 16th centuries, caused a spark. I'm not entirely certain of the direction this will go, but it's beginning to take shape in my mind..






I have this same figure set. I will be watching this closely.
....and 5 more soldiers from the Master Box kit. These pieces have a lot of flash and the fit is not as clean as the Tamiya and Meng. I will probably not be using the trench pieces from this kit. I am leaning towards making my own.




While I'm waiting for more favorable weather to continue (painting) the space shuttle orbiter build, I got a wild hair to build a diorama after seeing some Tamiya WW1 dudes a couple weeks ago. Seeing the kit, and having recently read about various Europen battles in the 15th and 16th centuries, caused a spark. I'm not entirely certain of the direction this will go, but it's beginning to take shape in my mind..

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With photos taken in your car with some of the kits, makes me think that this will be great diorama. Enthusiasm is a great outlet for success.

Please continue.

Be well. Model on.

When there is flash, especially on legs and arms, how do you deal with it without flattening the detail, like folds and leggings?
Great observation BB, and I am not sure just yet. I have tried a little bit of sanding with some micro files from harbor freight, in addition to some gently cutting with a blade, as well as scraping the back of the blade along the high spots. With paint on them I can say that some areas look ok, and other areas will clearly need more attention. While a lot of flash, or flash that is obviously noticeable is not ideal, I'm less concerned with it than I am how the painting is going. I began painting with the thought that I would add the shadows in at the end, but am wondering if starting off with the figures primed/painted black would have been the way to go. I have no real experience with paint to guide me, so I'm literally winging it.
I'm literally winging it
Looking pretty good so far!

Sounds like you do pretty much the same as me for the flash, though I have added some more specialized scrapers to my toolset, along with a cycle or crescent shaped surgical blade which I find is great for scraping convex shapes, and getting right under arm pits and inseams.

I've tried a neutral grey, and black as primer, as well as tan and green, depending on eventual uniform colour. I have to say black has worked out the best, even with sun bleached cloth of my desert rats, DAK and Italians.

I've watched YT, checked out books and mags, and there is a lot of variation in technique! Most of these guys are demonstrating painting one figure at a time, not like you and I, possibly working on 6 to 12 in one go!

One of the best pieces of advice that I've tried encorporating, is mixing ahead of time, the base colour, then a lighter and darker version.
After painting the all over base, paint upwards on 'under' surfaces with darker, then downwards on 'upper' surfaces with lighter. To finish, a darkest pin wash for detail crevices, with a few extra light highlights.

For a group, I also will tweak the base a bit, either adjusting the hue (greener or more olive) and the shade (lighter or darker) between figures, just to add some variety... choose a couple as new recruits, and a few to be old dogs. The same goes for gear and webbing, and helmets!

Of course, this is my experience, so take of it what you will, and find what works for you!
Most how-to vids I've seen start out by painting the figures black, then a coat of base color, then highlight out from there.
I am just starting to look at painting figures but haven't really done any yet. (except a couple of pilots that you can't really see in the cockpit)
just starting to look at painting figures

Ya, I quickly realized that my vehicle skills quickly outpaced my figures... so if you have any inkling that you will need to include a figure in that special build, get a box of interesting figures, just to practice!

Think of it like playing the piano, you can get really good at playing with the right hand, but sooner or later, the left hand is going to slow you down!
Today I began with the terrain concept. Then, because I'm a 10 year old nerd (50 year old nerd) i played with army men on the battlefield for a minute (5 minutes). I think the footprint may be too big. I filed some more flash from the figures and began adding dark layers to them to bring out some textures and provide depth. The photos dont show it well, but I think it helped a lot. Once another round of paint is added to smooth those areas out, applying a dusting of highlights will hopefully make them pop, or at least not look so 'meh'. I used brown on the German infantry shadows, and black on the British. Why? I guess to try 2 different hues and compare results.






2 different hues and compare results
Love it! It will be interesting to see...
The landscape is quite big!
Anxious to see how you'll use that space to focus our attention on the mini scenarios playing out with your figures!
Added some lighter hues, and some piece look waaay better now. Others, not so much. Maybe when there is more detail applied they will continue to look better. Not sure why they look wet in photos though.
Shortened the footprint of the terrain space as well in both length and width. I figure of it's too small as it begins to comenalive it will be fairly easy to add to it.
I have a British machine gun crew that may or may not be added to this.






I like this layout, looks really good and has the potential for a lot of action, excellent. Keep working those figures, you're doing good. It's not something that happens over night, but have fun, regardless.

Ruck On, Chuck, Ruck On!
Wanted a small break from painting figures, so spent time on the terrain. I used plaster wrap to help hide the transitions between the foam layers, and so that the earth is more uneven from the shelling. I thought about using drywall plaster but thought it might eventually break apart. (?) The back side of the trench took a shell as well, so Ill need to figure out how to model that with wall planks and supporting structural items thrown about in and around the trench. Not sure where tree remnants will end up, for now they are photo fun.




Nice! can already see how lighting might affect it... is that something you consider? Orientation, time of day, weather... I've never done one, so interesting to see how you plan and execute!
Base layer of paint on. I'll mess around on scrap foam with earth textures before I apply it .Going to try real dirt with drywall mud, glue with dirt, drywall mud with paint, etc. Not sure how any of those options will look. No photos, but Ive begun cutting wood pieces for the trench walls Too much work the next few days, so it will probably be the weekend before I play with this more.



The three experiments for dirt from L to R: mixture of dirt/ dry wall plaster, mixture of dirt/glue/plaster, and then glue laid down with dirt on top. The first 2 methods resulted in some cracks, and was generally thick. I think those would be good for modeling heavy mud. I.opten to move forward with the 3rd option.
The trench walls were cut, mangled, and then soaked overnight in wet coffee grounds. I was questioning my life decisions the next day trying to clean the pieces off. But, I let them dry and then the grounds wiped right off. They have a nice, natural dirtiness to them, which is what I was hoping for.




Here is a little bit of earth laid down on the diorama. To bring out the varying textures in the wall, I added some sopts that attempts to show a worn, tired, and weathered trench. The German troops were worked on some more by adding highlights, detailing leather items, glued hands on, and began with some skin tones. They do look a lot better, but dang they just dont take great pictures. Must be camera shy. I'll ignore the boots and lower legs because I will attempt to make them look dirty/muddy anyway.





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