Looking pretty good so far!
Sounds like you do pretty much the same as me for the flash, though I have added some more specialized scrapers to my toolset, along with a cycle or crescent shaped surgical blade which I find is great for scraping convex shapes, and getting right under arm pits and inseams.
I've tried a neutral grey, and black as primer, as well as tan and green, depending on eventual uniform colour. I have to say black has worked out the best, even with sun bleached cloth of my desert rats, DAK and Italians.
I've watched YT, checked out books and mags, and there is a lot of variation in technique! Most of these guys are demonstrating painting one figure at a time, not like you and I, possibly working on 6 to 12 in one go!
One of the best pieces of advice that I've tried encorporating, is mixing ahead of time, the base colour, then a lighter and darker version.
After painting the all over base, paint upwards on 'under' surfaces with darker, then downwards on 'upper' surfaces with lighter. To finish, a darkest pin wash for detail crevices, with a few extra light highlights.
For a group, I also will tweak the base a bit, either adjusting the hue (greener or more olive) and the shade (lighter or darker) between figures, just to add some variety... choose a couple as new recruits, and a few to be old dogs. The same goes for gear and webbing, and helmets!
Of course, this is my experience, so take of it what you will, and find what works for you!