Piranha PWI-GR


Active Member
Oct 9, 2024
The model I started most recently is going to be the middle of these three vehicles:


On the left is a YP 408, in the middle a Mowag Piranha 8×8, and on the right the only Fuchs 8×8 ever built — the last two with the same turret as fitted to the YPR 765. This was a trial to find a replacement for the YP 408, but no more than these single vehicles were procured, and temporarily at that.

This model is inspired by a thread on the TWENOT forums in which the Fuchs is being built as a what-if, and somebody else posted the two photos above of the trials. That in turn reminded me that I have the following in my stash:


An Italeri LAV-AD, from which I had taken one of the missile launchers to put onto the IDF M247 DIVAD I built earlier this year; the turret from an AFV Club YPR; and a set of LAV wheels from Trumpeter, which I had bought for when I would build the LAV, because the Italeri wheels are pretty poor, and for €3.95 new I could not really pass these up as a quick improvement. The LAV-AD doesn't appeal to me much anyway, so this way I can make something more interesting out of the kit.

In all, this, plus some more bits from my spares boxes, will become a Piranha PWI-GR (Pantser Wiel Infanterie — Groep, "Armour[ed] Wheel[ed] Infantry — Group") of the Netherlands Army, sometime in the late 1980s as it might have appeared had it gone into service.

To start, I put the three main hull parts together, and once they were dry, I cut a piece of 1 mm plastic sheet to make a new roof:


It's still loose here, as is the AFV Club turret ring, but this is the position I will put it in. Piranha turrets tend to be offset to the left because the engine is on the right, and overhang the hull side a little if they're more than very small, so that's what I'll do here too. It won't be as big as on the trials vehicle, because I suspect that's a standard Piranha that Mowag had at hand, fitted with an adapter for the YPR turret. A purpose-built version would probably have a bit smaller adapter ring.

Then with the suspension installed:


This wasn't too easy, because the part with the suspension arms for the front two axles doesn't fit overly well. I got it nicely in place using some clamps and a bit of wood, but it would probably have been easier if I hadn't glued the hull halves together already, because there would have been a bit more flex in the lower hull then.

The turret is just the main parts, the details still need to be added.

And then the bits I did tonight … After a good deal of searching for a suitable riser for the turret, which I wanted to have a conical shape because that's what you see on Piranhas a lot, I found one:


This is a Games Workshop 40 mm wargames base, from which I filed off the texture on top and in which I made a hole for the turret, including the bayonet fitting.

I also scribed a line for the engine deck, between the grilles and the driver's hatch, but you can tell from the putty that I did that wrong on my first attempt :)

At the back, I added the basic shapes of two passenger hatches:


These are just rectangles of 0.5 mm plastic card, 15.5 mm wide and 33 mm long. I took the dimensions from Trumpeter's instructions for the Canadian Grizzly, which are on Scalemates — I just zoomed in on them on my iPad's screen so that the hull width matched that of my model, and measured them up.
It was pointed out to me elsewhere that the riser I built was very low compared to the real thing, so to get it right, I went browsing through Jane's Armour and Artillery 1985-86 for the entry about this turret that I knew is in there:


No dimensions, unfortunately, but by measuring in the photo and on the AFV Club turret, I could work out that the "inside" part of the turret needs about 39 mm of height in the hull. Some measuring on the model, then, showed that that room simply isn't there with the riser I have — there is just 39 mm from the top of it to the inside of the hull floor, but there are some tunnels and things on that floor for the drive shafts, which reduce the height inside by about 3 mm. I need to add some height to the riser, then, but the YPR adapter ring that AFV Club supplies (see the first photo above of the built hull) isn't thick enough for that, and would require a good deal of work to remove the bevelled edge it has to fit in the YPR's hull top, as well as to fill the gap along about a quarter of its perimeter. So, back to searching for something usable. Which I did:


I cut the riser I had from the hull, which was easier than expected — GW's plastic apparently doesn't glue that well with the solvent I use. It's next to the hull here, together with a second wargames base, but this one is by Rackham (which went under over fifteen years ago) for their game, AT-43. This is also 40 mm in diameter, but has a vertical lower half and a bevel above it. By reaming out the GW base, it fits fairly neatly over the other one:


I'm going to glue them together and then fill the seam with putty. This will give a slightly different appearance than on the trials vehicle, but I shall explain that by arguing that they would have built the production vehicles slightly differently :)
That's a very interesting project Jakko - I do like to see a good bit of kit-bashing.
It's one of those things that's already turning out to be a lot more work than expected, though :) I really need to put the finishing touches on the BARV first.
It would be really nice to see the BARV finished, but there's no harm in getting stuck into something else. Things taking a lot more work and engagement is what makes them more interesting and fun. Having just dipped my toe into the world of Armour modelling, I can see why you guys enjoy it so much.
Main thing holding up the BARV is lack of a suitable figure for how I want to show it, but other than that I should really just get off my arse and finish the other few bits that still need to be done …
Next, I needed to tackle the rounded bit of armour below the turret riser. After first considering how to make this from a piece of plastic card to fit between the riser and the sloping side armour, I didn't feel like actually working that out: it's an plane that intersects a cylinder at an angle, so you could calculate and draw the exact shape it should have, but that was too much theory for me. I turned to a practical solution instead:


I placed the riser on the roof and then used the tip of my modelling knife, held as vertically as I could, to scratch a line in the hull that follows the outside of the riser. I then drilled a line of holes just above that line (perpendicular to the side armour, not vertically) and connected those using the knife. After that, it was a matter of scraping, cutting and filing to get the inner edge vertical.


All that remained was to glue in a bit of plastic card:


To work out the length of this, I put the riser back on, made two pencil marks on it at the ends of the hole I had just cut, and rolled it along a ruler to measure the distance between them. I then cut the plastic slightly longer so I could trim it until it fit, and bevelled the edges where they butt up against the roof. Finally, after taking the photo, I filled the seam with putty.
When I saw the photo at the beginning I thought they had been down to the museum and stolen the turrets of Stuarts....
These are even smaller than that, if you can believe that :)

It's always interesting to see how you tackle complex tasks.
I find that a lot of complex problems can be solved by breaking them down into smaller, less complex jobs. I'm not a fan of the 1970s modelling handbook technique of drilling a long line of holes, but it was the only one I could think of that would have worked here with relative ease. Ideally I would have wanted to cut that hole when the hull parts were still separate, but I don't generally plan models like this overly well enough for that :)

The basic shape of the commander's hatch is now on too, made from two discs of 0.5 mm plastic card, 20 mm and 18 mm in diameter. Of course, it still need lots of details added. Also the basic shapes of the passenger vision blocks, made from 2 × 2 mm square rod which I filed to an angle on one side to fit the hull, but this also still needs the actual vision blocks added. I found out that the vision blocks on Piranhas are in different locations than on the LAV-25, BTW: the rear edges on the left are at 21 and 36 mm from the rear plate (at the level of the tops of the blocks), on the right at 27 and 42 mm. Now I need to figure out a way to make six discs of 7 mm diameter for the lids for the firing ports. Oh, and I sanded and scraped away all the moulded-on lines for locating parts, as well as the hatch lid that's on the left side of the LAV-25. I don't really know if Piranha 8×8s all have that lid, but the Dutch production version for sure didn't :)

To the turret, I added the lifting eyes, including a scratchbuilt one because one was missing from the sprue. I also made the bolts at the back myself because two of the four had been moulded short on the sprue — they're just a 1 mm hex of 0.5 mm card with an 0.5 mm disc of 0.25 mm card on top, which are the same dimensions as the ones moulded onto the sides. I also put a cover over the muzzle of the 25 mm gun from Green Stuff, which fits nicely with the covers I installed on the sides of the turret. (On the real vehicle, those concentric rings towards the front of the turret are removable black plastic covers that protect the ejection ports outside of combat. They're often seen on photos of YPR 765s on exercise.)
This is very interesting. We have a similar looking vehicle parked outside the local armoury in town.
It replaced an artillery gun a few years ago.
But its not quite the same vehicle is it?

I may be wrong, but I think this 8-wheeled Canadian Army vehicle is called a Kodiak?
Its more like your original model with a centrally mounted turret.

Anyway, sorry to sidetrack...

This is very interesting. We have a similar looking vehicle parked outside the local armoury in town.
It replaced an artillery gun a few years ago.
But its not quite the same vehicle is it?
It's not quite the same, but it is a descendant of it. The basic history of it is that the Piranha is a Swiss design that came in 4×4, 6×6 and 8×8 variants, and which got adopted by Canada in the 6×6 version as the AVGP (Armoured Vehicle General Purpose) in the early 80s, and built in Canada under licence by General Dynamics Land Systems. The US Army and USMC were looking for a new light armoured vehicle soon after, and settled on the 8×8 variant of the Piranha II (that is, the second generation), which was marketed to them by GDLS. Once the US Army pulled out, this became the LAV-25 and its many USMC variants.

Mowag and GDLS improved the vehicle further to come up with the Piranha III and LAV III in the 1990s, those being adopted by the Canadians and some others, while the US Army added some more modifications to turn it into the Stryker series. Since then, there is also a Piranha IV.

The vehicle in your photo looks to me (but I'm no expert on these) to be an LAV III in the Infantry Fighting Vehicle version. It seems like a number of them are on display as memorials in Canada, but I have no idea which one of those this could be :)

I may be wrong, but I think this 8-wheeled Canadian Army vehicle is called a Kodiak?
IIRC, that name was used initially but not anymore.

Its more like your original model with a centrally mounted turret.
Yes, though the monument one has a two-man turret while the vehicle tested by the Dutch Army had a one-man turret taken from the YPR 765. Similar armament, though: a 25 mm automatic cannon and a 7.62 mm machine gun.

Anyway, sorry to sidetrack...
What for? :)
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It's starting to look like something now:


The tyres are on, but only temporarily to see what it looks like with them, but I did glue the wheels to the axles. I don't normally do it like that, but because the tyres can be put on and taken off easily anyway, I figure it will be easier this way after all. I did have to remove the moulded-on, hollow axle stubs from the backs of the wheels and drill them out to 3 mm so they fit over the Italeri axles.

The periscopes for the passengers are finished, I moved the lifting eyes (they're in different places on the LAV than on the Piranha I and II), added front turn signals from the Dragon MBT 70 kit, and also fitted more details like grab handles, hatch handles, the supports for the antennas, etc. The main things still left to do are to finish the hatches, finding something to use for the firing ports (or to make them from), add a cover over the exhaust, fit the actual antenna bases as well as smoke grenade launchers, and figure out something for the front and tail lights. I'll probably also add pioneer tools, but I think I'll have to look a bit more closely at the YP 408 first, to see what was carried on that, and how.

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