Painted this up before sealing up the fuselage. All the usual suspects. Hairspray, Vallejo paint for rust and then handpainted detail. I simply tried to vary sheen and colors a bit using chrome, gloss black, flat black, brown and a touch of brighter color. When removing with water/toothpick the chrome really comes off in like a 'blanket'.
I put a shot of the Badger cleaner there. I bought that yesterday at Micheals. It works fantastic for cleanup after spraying Vallejo, and for cleaning the tip during a session.
Yeah reeeaaaaaal good. Love it, but I also like the primer overspray on the pic on the last page. Are you thinking of adding blaster marks/smoke? So it gives a bit of a story on the resoning behind replacing the panel?
Scott, my friend,this is gorgeous!
And looks like You had a really nice modeling time today to
Great job on the opened panel and everything!
Now moving to your MF thread