Work continues on the Gotham City backdrop...
First thing was to rough in the buildings with pencil on watercolor paper:
After using a mix of white and black watercolors to make a basic grey sky and the basic shapes and shadows of the buildings rubber cement was brushed on to mask the buildings and the bat signal beam. After the work was finished to create a cloudy sky the rubber cement mask was rolled off using my fingers:
Window and other detailing was added using pencil:
The buildings were given another going over with a mix of grey acrylics thinned with water to further enhance the shadowing. Once this had dried a spotter brush was used to paint windows using white acrylic paint. They don't need to be perfect as the cityscape won't be in closeup:
So far so good. It's looking more and more like Gotham City, at least how I picture it for this diorama. Funny how some of the structures have morphed into different shapes other than what I had originally drawn:
Needless to say there are a
batload of windows to paint. Once they're are done I should be ready to start taking pics.
Stay tuned... same Bat Time... same Bat Channel!