merseajohn said:
... dont take too long next time though lol!
;D ;D ;D I promise I won't ! But I don't think I'll ever reach the top of the post-level-o-meter though.
Igard said:
Very sharp work! Looking awesome. Good to have you back! ;D
Thanks Igard! It's fun to look at everyones work but there's something really special to be actively participating.
Grendels said:
Thanks Grendels ! Scott, ModelMan Tom and you where true inspirations when I started modeling last year. I might even put a video up one day... hum, baby steps Frank, baby steps... 8)
Ok update:
As I was saying before the underside's base coat is done. Not 100% there but it'll do the job:
Let there be light ! I scratch built some, ah, texture if you will, inside the reactor cans just to make it somewhat interesting:
Wings and radar dish base color done as well. You can also see my aluminum axel to replace the "I'm-about-to-break-if-you-look-at-me-too-hard" original piece!
This one is of the tail part of the fuselage. Shiny hey ? Since I assemble pretty much the whole top portion of the ship, I applied a generous coat of Future to protect the paint during manipulation. this will all be toned down with a flay coat of Future when the base coat is completed. I really like the outcome of the masking fluid technique for the chips. Also, if you look carefully on the right side, the paint seems to have cracked a bit in the drying process. Usually, this would mean "star over", but in the context of this beaten up looking ship, it just looks perfect (to me of course). If I only knew how to recreate this "mistake"...
Yippie, umbrol masking fluid ! This stuff reeks man... hey, you kids out there, use proper ventilation or you'll end up just like me ! I masked pretty much the whole skirt of the ship at the exception of where the panel lines are. Then I applied a coat of pinkish-ugly-red and removed the masking fluid. This is for the kinda transparent pink that can be seen on the studio model. Sorry though, no pictures of this process. BUT LOOK WHAT WE HAVE HERE !!! More masking fluid before painting the hull-red (mix of tamiya red, with a few drops of tamiya blue and some tamiya brown, stole the recipe from another forum... shhhhhh...
My state of the art spray booth. You can't see it on this picture but I've got an extinguisher right next to the stove... Grendels scared the %??&*$ out of me with the potential fire hazard this kind of setup could be ;D ;D ! KIDS, where a mask, use a proper spray booth or go paint outside... or just wait for mummy to get out of the house... but still, where a mask !
I'm absolutely thrilled with my color mix !!! Look, it's evenbetter then the real one LOL ;D.
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Next, removing the making fluid. Hum, I feel like I might have applied a bit much... oh well, we'll see tomorrow!
As always, comments and positive criticisms are welcomed !