Chirchill Mk111 1/72 Italeri


Sep 22, 2024
As promised went to the stash and pulled this one out
It was opened so I probably took one look thought thats a load of and put it in the stash ,but on the back of the box is a rather intresting russian winter camo scheme.
20241002_102721.jpg Rather disappointed with the mouldings
I've a feeling this is quite a old moulding but my biggest hate at any scale is moulded on tools and cables ,grab/hatch handles reducing the whole thing to a kiddie toy ,will continue with this tomorrow fingers crossed but must go streaming the speedway live from Poole come on you pirates.
As mentioned above my pet hates well this one has the whole gambit the front plate what I presume is a tow loop I drilled out and cleaned up
Then thoes hatch handles i foolishly tried drilling one out wich of course meant that replace one replace them all ,first off I bent some brass wire to form the new ones these were cut with one long leg you can also see one of the offending handles.
No pattern or former was used bent with some flat nose pliers my thought /method being only one hole to drill dam site easier than drilling two only to find holes too close to each other or handle made too big ,these are probably way over scale and should have had right angled feet welded to the hatches but hey ho ,I try and do a little bit of scratchery to most builds im not that good but it does help I hope to make me a better modler/builder and improve the model. The long leg lets you adjust and position from below ,for some time time now ive used Rocket CA the blue lable one that gives 15seconds? Wriggle time also replaced the hinges on the front hatches once again probably totally wrong but hey ho its all about enjoying yourself .
Have done a bit more but will catch up with that later. Dave
My only thought to your post is the 1/72 scale for armor is a bit small. I am currently building a 1/35 Tamiya Sherman Easy Eight and too many parts are way too small and fiddly for my liking. I can't imagine a 1/72 scale tank. If I decide to build another armor piece, I would have to move up to a 1/16 scale to make it enjoyable and not frustrating. I will go back to motorcycle builds after this.
My only thought to your post is the 1/72 scale for armor is a bit small. I am currently building a 1/35 Tamiya Sherman Easy Eight and too many parts are way too small and fiddly for my liking. I can't imagine a 1/72 scale tank. If I decide to build another armor piece, I would have to move up to a 1/16 scale to make it enjoyable and not frustrating. I will go back to motorcycle builds after this.
Hi Dminor9: unfortunately the call for more and more detailed models means usualy six or seven parts just to make one ,72nd stuff seems to carry this myth about miniscule parts look at the spru shot there's probably only half a dozen pieces smaller than 35th small parts I always say bit like 35er small stuff just a few more in the end its what you enjoy doing the most that counts where you feel most at home ,me I suppose I just enjoy the challenge of 72nd dont they call it braille scale.Dave
So got a little more done ,as with a lot of 72nd what I call rubber band tracks the holes for the sprocket teeth have nothing to do with each other my favorite fix for this is a simple piece of dentistry

The patient never complained once ,I did once see the same problem overcome in 35th where the chap carefully removed the sprocket teeth fitted the tracks and then glued the teeth back in the appropriate holes in the track not for me I'm afraid. The tracks were tacked around using CA

I know you can see through the little gap but thats because there's no top track guard fitted yet to make it all dark and invisible ,why bother joining the ends when you can't see half the track anyway ,spent a good hour fettleing trying to make said top bit fit ,very poor fit but more on that next time. Dave
Nice updates. Last couple years I've really started enjoying these 1/72 Italeri kits. Thanks for sharing
Well stay away from this one Lee ,that fettleing I mentioned
Pretty much the same on all four corners you can see the opposite fender decided that ordinary filler might not be up to it so used some tamiya two part stuff blimy came back next day it was like concrete won't be using that again probably ok for weld beads etc but needed a grinder almost to sand it down.
Haven't been very impressed so far with this kit not the quality I was expecting or thought it would be but hey ho its all part of the hobbiestupid things like having to remove these two nibs from the turret because I don't want to use the badly moulded tarps
Still all built up hoping to get some primer down tomorrow ,oh and as per the instructions the barrel end bit was a deformed pile of so bodged a bit of brass tube on the end totally wrong but kinda looks the part except the bore is massive but you've probably guessed by now I dont care to much its all about just enjoying it
Oh the kit that keeps giving just noticed
Two bloody great knock out marks can't see there part of the real thing. Thoes here that know me had best sit down because look what else I've got up to primer as I said hopefully tomorrow thats Sunday our side of the pond many thanks all
about just enjoying it
Yes that's the key my friend. Some of these old kits are Esci molds I wonder if this one is. I've learned you have to be careful about Italeri Kits they put lips stick on pigs. But I will says this in my opinion they have the best customer service I've ever seen. Had a deformed link track set in their 1/72 Jagdpanther kit they sent one right out from there got it in not time.

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