D3A1 Val 1/48 Hasegawa competition build

Thanks Chris. I was quite pleased how they turned out. hopefully they'll look nice under some color! I always appreciate your feedback, so keep it coming! ;)

Well, it's been a couple of days since I got any photos up, but the work has been carrying on in the back round. So here's where we're at.

I carried on with the engine and prop, getting them both finished this afternoon. They're not fantastic but will hopefully look okay when everything is together. I got the ignition wires added, a bit more painting (which included a good dose of artistic license ), a dark wash, and a coat of flat varnish to finish off. I forgot to check the photos before I uploaded them and the engine isn't quite as dark in the flesh. Sorry about that.... will get a better one for next time!


Next up is the prop. I decided to airbrush the markers on the front of the props instead of using the decals. So with a bit of careful masking and a quick once over with Tamiya flat red, the end result turned out quite well. I finished it off with a dark wash around the hub and a coat of flat varnish.




Most of the exhaust is going to be hidden by the cowling but I just couldn't resist dressing them up a bit. They were first sprayed with Alclad Steel, before being given an uneven coat of a heavily thinned black/brown paint. Two shades of rust pigment were then added to hopefully give them a bit of life.


Got one or two other details finished off. Like the bombs (which I forgot to take a picture of....next time! ::)), and the gun scope which sits on top of the cowling in front of the pilots windscreen. I also assembled the wheels/guards and masked off for painting.



I did manage to get some color on the fuselage. As I'm airbrushing the markings I decided to start with the yellow on the Val's tail. Once dry I spent a bit of time getting everything masked for the next stage.




Trust me, those bands on the fuselage were a lot harder to do then they look, as you have to cut the masking tape with a slight wave in it to get them to sit straight and look right.... Sounds odd but with them being a double curved surface you need to.

That's about all I have time for tonight. Thanks for checking out the build. As always, please feel free to add any comments, questions or suggestions.

I am going with wow!! ;D Nice work on this Chris!! I am just beginning o play some catch up on some of the builds in the contest....you are doing a fine job on the Val!! Great detailing on the dash!! Keep it coming!! ;)
Its not easy masking a tapered fuselage ...Great job !! Love the exhaust , you're flying through this !! See what I did there ? I made a funny ;D

Thanks TRM, that's really kind of you to say so. There was a decal for the dash but I just couldn't bring myself to use it. So I just bit the bullet and spent the time painting it, and I'm glad I did as I was quite pleased with how it turned out. It's not perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but hopefully it'll look busy enough in the finished cockpit.

Thanks Chris. I do need a lesson or two from yourself on rusting up larger areas though... I got your wee joke there.... I think you should stick to painting semi naked ladies instead! lol ;D

LOL ;D well its a first for me ,so it could all go pear shaped too !! :p
Just don't make a boob of the paint job mate..... your not the only one with the great jokes!!! lol ;D
Ha Ha Ha !! funny ::) Im off , see yer tomorrow mate ;)
Hi Chris- wonderful looking work you are producing here. It is nice to see your build progress- I am used to seeing the finished results.

Fingers crossed I get this Mustang finished in time to get my own competition build started in enough time to complete it.
Hi Alan. Thanks mate. If not, you can always enter something you've already built in the open category.
Thanks John. This is my first build online and I must say, I'm really enjoying it. Thanks for checking it out.
Before I update my build, I thought I'd share with you the cake my mum baked for me!!!! Just because lol

Apparently I'm too old for an Easter egg, but not for home made cake (with lots of little eggs!!!!). yummmm!!! Don't you just love mums!


As promised here's a slightly better photo of the finished engine, and the bombs.



I got a few light coats airbrushed onto the tail. I used White Ensign Models Hinumara red. Unfortunately they have gone bust I believe, but the shade is perfect and airbrushes beautifully.



I lightened the base color with matt white before lightening the panel centers. It looks awful at this stage as the panel effect is too much, but don't panic, all is not lost. lol



I mix a heavily thinned base coat color and blend the two shades together. I wanted it to be fairly suttle, so it's not too noticable in the photos but the effect is what I was after. This effect will be enhanced later during the weathering stage.



Time to remove some of the masks. Thankfully everything turned out okay. Any bleed under the masks was kept to the panel lines. I touched up any areas that were bad. The pin wash later will hide any others I missed.




I then carefully placed the mask for the Vals identification numbers on the vertical stabilizer. I then airbrushed several very light coats of matt white.


After the masks were removed, again any touching up of the previous paint work was done. I'm quite pleased with how things have turned out so far. The fuselage masks will remain on until after the fuselage color has been added.




Thats it for now. I'll get a coat of future on the paintwork to protect it before masking. Fuselage color next!

Thanks for checking out the build. You know the drill, comments, suggestions, questions, all welcome.

Nice work on he painting Chris!! Very clean work!! ;D ;D ;D Enjoy the cake! ;)
Thanks John. Started painting the main camo today. Hopefully get a few pictures up in a day or two. I appreciate your comments mate.

Ya didnt bring any cake today !!! ::)

You know you have three months to finish ...right ?? not three weeks ! ;D Thats looking the doggies mate ,cant wait to see this one in the flesh when its done .... that'll be next week then ! ;D ;D


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