After a good 10 day layoff or so, I'm back at the bench.
Since this is an OOB build, it is really up to me the modeller to highlight the details that come with the kit. Since this has the option to reveal the engine, and the engine is well detailed, I think it's a must show (for the judges that is). In order to do that I must focus on the fundamentals. Good painting and weathering to highlight the details and show off the kits parts, good clean up of the parts, and good construction with attention to the details. With that being said, I've begun looking over some of those great engine pics that your guys were so kind to share with me, and wil try to replicate some of this weather.
First step the engine was primed with some nato black (leftover from the BlackHawk build). The next layer is Tamiya's Red Brown as a "rust layer," and then it was shot with some hairspray.
The engine will be highlighted now with various metallica shades. Tamiya's Chrome Silver, Titan Gold, and Flat Aluminum should bring this out.
The engine block in many photos has that kinda "steel" look to it. I'm not sure if this is oxidation or just dirt and grime build up, but to attempt to replicat that, I've sprayed the block Tamiya's Titan Gold. This color is very close to Testor MM's Enamel Steel. A very versital color with many applications.
As This layer dries, I moved on to the weapons. Tanks, bombs, ammunition, guns, and rockets all clipped from the sprue.
The access panels for the gun bays port side have been removed from the top 1/2 of the wing.
Loosly dry fitting the guns and ammo chains.
I've decided to go with the paper tanks and some rockets. This decision was helped by my dog who destroyed one 1/2 of one of the bombs. The detail on these tanks are very delicate and take great care to clean up the seems.
If you do it correctly, you can produce a line of raised detail to mix right in where the seam line should be. This is the melted plastic spit out by the glueing process. Just glue the two halves and squeeze tightly together.
That's it for now..., I'll be working on the engine tonight as I work on adding some filters and slight rusting to the engine block.