Gonna have alot of pics here. Sorry if you're on dial up.
Is anyone still on dial up here?
OK. The ramp. This is a tiny project that really made me think about what's important, not only in trying to achieve an accurate build but also to do that without investing 3 days and possibly pulling all of, what remains, of my hair out.
1:144 is kinda tiny. Just saying.
First I carefully scribed the inside of the ramp until it was no longer attached.
Then, with the help of my Chopper II
(thank you JESUS for the guys that invented the Chopper II) I cut 30 degree angles in Evergreen stuff and glued it on. The tape was for my sanity.
Then I ripped another strip in half and added that.
Now here was the big debate (in my mind). Do I attempt to actually model 2 diameters of strut and the linkage etc...at this scale...or simplify. After a 1/2 hour debate with myself, simplify and get er done won.
Next up, a lip at the top to help hold it in place.
Nice lighting eh? I added that little, plate thing at the end too.
To attach the struts I first started holes in the ramp. I just started them, not all the way thru. My goal was to have a pilot to get these in the right spot and for some bite with the thin glue.
I added a cross member inside so that the struts would
hopefully dry plumb. Once they setup overnight vertically I will glue them to this and pull them back into true plumbness.
And a final look for now. That's it for tonight. Kinda far from accurate but kinda accurate from afar.
Thanks again for looking. You are a big part of SMA and I do really appreciate you spending time here. I really do.