Humber Mklll

wheels on a few bits still to add and some stowage. Chipping is finished only wanted light wear and tear so nothing very drastic.




I left the inside of the crew door OD as I figure it would have left the factory green and been painted sand in theatre.



Now working on a base for it.

I am not saying anything, it has all been said above... The paint finish is just as it should be, none of this over the top weathering and just enough of the interior visible to catch the eye and draw the viewer in more...
Well done...
Looking amazing Paul.
Thanks Andy.
A Scottie base!?? Looking forward to seeing what you give us this time. Great build and lovely paint job. One to be proud of my friend
Thank you mate, it's been a while since I made a base.
Probably SCC 2 brown, rather than khaki green, but I'm not sure when these were produced, exactly.
That's true it probably would have been SCC2 but having trouble finding the model equivalent.
VERY nice work on this model Scottie i had a look through your build an im impressd
cheers Chris glad you approve.
Brings back memories of me wanting the Matchbox Humber during the 70s.Loved their kits and the box art was so nice from Roy Huxley
Cheers Richard I remember those.
I am not saying anything, it has all been said above... The paint finish is just as it should be, none of this over the top weathering and just enough of the interior visible to catch the eye and draw the viewer in more...
Well done...
Thanks Mike. i tried to keep it restrained due to the light colour of the vehicle.