Evenin Folks,
Thanks for the positive words friends,
Been back from holiday for a week now and this is where I'm at......
I had sprayed a very tentative layer of Future, I was worried it would mess with my Alclad paint
And it did a bit but i think i can fudge it into weathering.
Very thin black pastel wash over the top of the wings
Then i got a new piece of conduit tubing so i could mount the ship in a verticle position...
Easier to work on and everything could flow in the right direction
Removed the masking tape from the underside vector nozzles
Applied the vodka pour spout thruster vector nozzels painted matt black
The underside after the wash is removed
Added another layer of black pastel wash to the engine actuators
Then i just worked on the details on the upper wing
Then i added AK engine oil and streaking grime to the back flap actuators
Then added oil weathering to the front section
And the wing tops and details
Thats the story so far
Stay tuned kids
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