Thanks T ....Waht do you mean ' IF' you're going to build more wingys !!!! ...Of course you are ,at least a 190 ...or two ;D ;D
So, I got the cockpit wrapped up today seeing as the Tractor show was postponed ...due to the weather !!
I gave everything a dark wash to dirty it up a bit and add some shadow ,I also painted the floor in black as its not meant to be there ,so hopefully looking into the cockpit it will look like a big dark nothingness below the seat .The decal was added to the IP too and after that I moved on to putting the Belts together
The instructions are a bit 'Hectic' to say the least !!
But ....I was pleasantly suprised as they go together very easy . The use of Magnifiers & Tweezers is highly recommended tho ! .The instructions recommend using PVA to glue the belts ,but I think it will take too long to dry and the belts may come apart will drying. So I used a drop of Super glue ( CA ) which works fine . DO NOT use plastic cement it will melt the belts !!!
With the belts done the cockpit went together quickly ........
I think the belts look pretty good in there
One thing left to do ....Close it up
Should move pretty quick from here
Thanks for looking.