Hello again, and good evening.
It's been a bit slow on the build this week.I had issues with my bike this week that sort of took priority. That's what happens when your working with a 27 year old Honda Helix. :

Any way, I did get some work done on the construction of the upper legs and hips.
As with the lower legs, there are a lot of complex folds and shaping that just takes time. You can not rush it.
Here are all the piece parts for the upper legs, during assembly.
All the parts assembled. Those hips were a bit of a chore. Other than the face that attaches to the torso, there was not a flat surface or straight curve in them. About two and a half days of assembly just with those hips.
Here are the upper legs assembled, which were finished tonight.
I'm still not going to attach the upper legs to the knees and lower legs yet.
Not until the torso is done. So that any alignment problems with the legs can be dealt with at that time.
The concept for the diorama is evolving, and another piece of this puzzle will have to be built. More on that later.
Thank you for watching and I'm open for any of your comments or questions.