The top left pic shows the front window roughed in. I'll be trimming the bottom half, but for now I'll keep it intact until I have the entire canopy finished. This way, it still has some strength and durability while I work on it.
In the second pic, I remember viewing a thread of a MPC Hoth Base build up, to be more specific, the Rebel Transport. The builder needed some additional armour plate, so he warmed up some styrene and wrapped the sheet around the hull of the model. I thought that would be a good solution to get the correct contour of the top of the cockpit for my build.
I was a little hesitant about doing this, because it was the only part that I had and I didn't want the heat to warp it. I used three squares and some clamps to prevent the plastic from curling when I applied my heat gun to it. I fixed the bottom half of the cockpit kit part to my burnishing tool with some Post-It putty, and pushed the part into the heated styrene. The bottom left pic shows the end result.
The bottom right pic shows the plastic trimmed and with the two other parts pieced together.
The main pic shows it all together with the aid of Post-It Putty on the kit.
Now, I have a good foundation to finish off the cockpit.