Thank you, guys!
Igard, right You are, I'm aaaalmost there, just a very little bit left...
Correction: just a little bit + the stand. I've already got some foregoing plans for the former. Just it wouldn't be me if I called her finished without some good ground beneath
Mike, it really is an unexpectively large kit - actually I didn't completely realize it's size until the very time I've test fitted the parts. And I definately won't place it on the same shelve with my previous Star Destroyer - she looks absolutely not giant standing aside with this tank!
John, I curtainly would make some adjustments to the look of the studio model - as far as I've learned it was used more as a reference for 3D-designers rather then for actual filming, so it's weathring looks a bit... speedy but not 100% realistic on my taste.
On my left-to-do-list now:
- the crime effect You are recommending.
- some fuel strains effect by AK over the existing oil leaks to give them more depth and more sence of..errr.. liquidness
- a touch of rust streaking here and there
- some postshading-like sooth with airbrush, especially around the rocket launching tubes
- some light touches here and there with different techniques for more interest in future observing the finished tank.
Many of the done by tonight. I'll go get a little bit of sleep, and will post the progress pics in about 7-8 hours and made under the daylight once again