Chris - Really glad you enjoyed mate, had alot of fun on that one, as dio for my stryker, wasnt sure at first but have a few base empty picture frames lying around so i may do a small one depicting the brigade on exerise in the states before deveployment...I love it when a plan comes together
panzerace - thanks great

ill wait till my Stryker ESV arrives in mid november and then get rolling with the group build.....cant wait ;D
Build update:
got a little more done last night and this morning, with suspension left aside. I moved to the rear bulkhead and ramp assemblies, these were straight forward steps and nothing of note happened. Just one thing to watch out for, if your intending to add an interior and have the ramps and hatches open beware there full injections marks
first thing was the main bulkhead assembly
abd the adding of the tow hitches and tail lights, with them left to one side to dry, the rear acess hatch came next

this i found to be fairly true to actual peice
after a few hours work i was left with finished assmebly, not pictured are the two etched brackets for the jeery cans that sit either side od the ramp, these will go on later in the build
more to follow soon