- Spud i know what you mean buudy :-\ but luckly the etch parts were big enough
build update:
got a rake done today on the build, tackled all the etch which was slow delicate work and head wrecking at times i can tell ya....but i referred to the Irish method of detailing. Swear at it till does what you want it do

LOL....i have issues lol
so instead of flooding this post with photos, ill take just one etch assmebly tonight to talk about...as its very late and college in morn
first major etch challange was the mount for the weapons station which houses a load of smoke grenades, and for the most part is made up of largely etch parts, i had a little trouble with it, but thats down to my own lack of experiance with etch, but this is what i got after an hour abouts of building
still to go on are the many smoke dischargers which ill have on by the next update
then i got to the part was looking forward to the most... figure painting baby 8)
always found this part of the hobby my favorate and most enjoyable. For the entire painting process i used Vallejo paints, burnt seinna acrylic and satin varnish to seal everything. After an afternoon of painting and taking plenty of breaks i was left with this, i opted not to go for ACU camo and went to woodland camo and a OD coloured MOLLE vest
in all im very happy with him, the only thing i may come back and go over is picking out a few more highlights to the face and maybe add a little more graphite to M4 carbine
more to follow soon