Evenin all,
Thanks for stopping by and commenting guys,
I managed 10 hours at the bench over the weekend (busy wife) and did quite a lot of work on the final body shape
Still trying to figure out the rear wing and the front wing, but i think i know what to do with the front
The nose itself area is still a WIP.......
Sand, fill, sand, fill...............
Started on the area behind the cockpit and the blend into the impact structure which is at the back
I had installed two rods extending from the outer cockpit walls to the center at the back, they had a nice flowing curve to them these were for suppport
I bent over the 1mm (0.039") sheet and glued it to the central profile support and the cockpit curve and the back central area
After sanding the edge flush, i did the same on the other side
After a rough whittling with me #11
After some shaping
Forced, with a heat gun, two pieces of 1mm just to fill the large gap
Then i skinned the inner contour with 0.5mm(0.020") sheet, letting it just flow into the area and covering a large slit in the front intake area
After trimming, side two.
Needs a bit of tweeking but its close
Back to the 1mm for the front panels, large overlap to be sanded back and filled later
Basic left side shaping
Just this small recess at the back to fill next
Top profile
Filled and ready for sanding, but thats next time
Stay tuned
Take care friends