Howdy mates,
First of all, thanks a lot for the comments, mates, they are morale boostin´ !!!
It´s been a while since last post but real-life duties have priority over hobbying

… but here I am… I don´t like to quit from a thing that I´ve begun.
Well, as I told in my last post (34 years ago) I´ve just begun to do the first stage of micropainting (I think that this is the proper term), that is (in this stage) painting small decoloured areas due to scratches & rubbing.
I´ve taken as an example one of MIG Jimenez´s works: the painting of a Ha Go tankette.
I´ve also been testing wich color would be the more suitable to show a decoloured area with a lighter color than the OD “baseâ€, and I´ve found that for me, a mix of Dark Yellow & Black works the better, of course diluted with water.
Here are my currently advances: part of the front of the hull and part of the starboard side of the tank. This is not an impressive advance but it will demonstrate that I´m still modelling-alive, guys.
Heres is a small salvo of pics:´
A general view of today´s modelling area…

A portion of MIG Jimenez´s painting SBS…

Different colour tests to find wich mix would be the best to get the desired effect…

And some of the achieved effects:




Yeah, I know that this is not a big photo â€" lot, but I think that it shows properly what I´m doing… when I finish this first-stage “micropainting†then will come the second one, I´ll use Vallejo´s German Dark Brown (or so, I can´t remember the exact name) to represent dark rust (small chipping).
What to say… “positive waves†comments & jokes welcome, as always…