Here are the update about my Blue Strips Falcon
The pilots are no good copies from F-4 1/72 model kits. I painted some basic colors, blue, orange, black but didn't painted them well since they will be not visible. There's no need to do it right IMHO.

The control panels have been cut and glued on. There was a huge gap ahead so I completed it with cables and plastic parts painted in black. That will not be seen since the windows are not that clear...

With the power on, the panels are barely visible, the pilots and the seats are on the way...

Some leds will help to light the gunpit. I use the perfect object for it : a box for candies (dragées).
Cut in half I'll place some panels with holes drilled in it to let the light pass on. That will not be very visible but the ambiance will be there.
I detailed with some parts here and there...
Use some parts provided by some broken lighter was not a bad idea but it's note the right shape with the other cables. I let this one be however...
I used some U shape Profile and Wueen Mary II model kit parts to detail the dish. Once painted it rocks !

That's the same plastic profile with a U shap I used on the Cockpit.
The lights ahead with some cut plastic spoons. This will help to glue and maintain the original parts here.
The big deal was to count the number of orange leds I've got, and drill some holes in the right places. It was done fiar and easy, easier than I thought indeed !
I couldn't place all the lights I wanted or needed but the job is done. Though I'm not satisfied with the orange lights for the cockpit. The pilots are blocking the lights. Too bad.

The two halves together. Not top notch but I'm satisfied with the ambiance lights... It helps to check the light leaks too.

I have to do something for the engines. Maybe adding some details here and there. Same thing for the batteries, they will be accessible underneath but I need to make some socket in order to pull them out when I'll need to replace the batteries.
Last night I sand and sans again the gap around the cockpit. And engrave the details gone... THat was not easy but the result is here... Will show you this later.
Now All i have to do is check the light leaks, join the two halves of the ship, comple and detail the trenches. The docking rings have been glued on one half but clearly need to be cut a little since the thickness of the ship is now different.
Will need som "L" plastic profile and stuff... Don't have it for the moment. If I m' not patient enough (I'm returning to Paris in 2 weeks) I'll go with plastic spoons as usual