Since I can't edit the post here here are some new pictures of the WIP.
As you now know, it's done, and fairly done, even exhibited in Paris and soon other french conventions.
The blue strips are completed, a first coat of white dry brush is applied all over, and I'm checking for some issues with the paint done mostly during the night. Some painting here and there and it will be OK.
It's not completely done yet. I have to apply some washes, and brown oil and stuff...

Same thing underneath. The blue strips are basically the same.

The details are fine, i'm really happy whith that part.

Le résultat est bien meilleur avec le carton translucide SUR les touillettes transparente. Y'a un petit souci sur un coin, j'ai fait avec ce qui me restait de "chutes" mais rien ne bien notable non plus à l'oeil nu. Faudra par contre que je reprenne au pinceau fin les bords en noir...

The washes will help to pop up the details but I think it darker too much the starship. So I've done an overall white dry brush, to blend the colors and markings...

Dark. Lights on.

Bright day. Lights on.

Some weathering, black washes for the grills as you can notice. My oil washes are a lot more efficient (for a beast like that anyway) but I needed to do it wuickly and to be dried for the trip to Paris.

Some light licks, dealed with Mastic Plastique from Prince August, and painted right away.

THere is only one light lick that I will not fix. It's in the "scar" on the hull, some blaster scar... An orange light pulse in it as if the metal was still hot from the battle.
More pictures soon. Go check my FB account if you want to see more !