YT-1300 with blue stripes

This kind of things. Is that simply "coffee spoons" in english or is there another name for it ? :)


Those might be called "swizzle sticks" or just coffee "stirrers."
Don't think I have seen anything exactly like those before.
ModelMakerMike said:
Those might be called "swizzle sticks" or just coffee "stirrers."
Don't think I have seen anything exactly like those before.

Neither have I....
It's good to know the correct appelation.


BTW, it's the plastic sticks we use, in France, to shake our hot beverages, if we add sugar or milk. At McDonald's those were in plastic years ago with beautiful shapes, they replaced it with wood spatles. Since then I use it to apply putty. :)

As said Lavoisier, a great Scientist "rien ne se perd, rien ne se créé, tout se transforme".
Or was it Optimus Prime ?
Great lighting job on this YT, man!

And yeah, same thing with McDonalds in Russia - plastic shaking sticks for coffee have been changed to the wooden ones some time ago. Damn ecology protectors, can't they think about us - modelers - for at least ones?! ;D
I've done sockets for the batteries, and you can see the hexagonal gunpit. The batteries are the same weight so it's just perfect.

Without ambiant lights....

The dish painted...

The two halves have been put together. There will be gaps, I will deal with it with super glue and detailed parts. The stand seems to hold it well. Just have to prevent for any shaking in an expo. Maybe with a superior diamater circle ?

I almost forgot the plastic was fragile. Some parts broke when I glud th two half since I used clips to maintain all this still. Big parts fell around the cockpit, other it's just some crack on the fuselage.

So I glued again the big broken parts and add some tiny plastic parts to have the new shape for the tunnel access of the cockpit. That done, I can use less Tamyia Putty and then sand it down...

I cheated. Never wanted to sand for hours the docking rings so I glued them on with a big part underneath that is over... No big deal, no one will notice and I will place some details on the panels. But one was not over enough and I'll need to sand it off... :(

There's a big gap, a part need to be placed here but it will be too big. I need to reduce it for half a centimeter. That will be easy, that's the exact shape and measurement of one panel on this part. Will simply cut it and "voila".

I know I stabbed myself a little but thought I avoided a bloodshed. I was wrong... Take care, guys, beware the blades and sticks, you never know when you have an accident.

The cockpit reeived some tiny spots of paint when I sprayed over the Falcon.. My big fault, big time... Should be erased with a Q tip and some alcohol...

No build would be done without at least one problem. Keep it up! It will look good in the end.
Just needs a little TLC here and there, and there, and there :p
Seriously, you're doing a great job considering what you started with
Right :)

But what is TLC ? :D

The job is done, detailing more and more, glue here, more translucid Cardboard too... I began the paint job yesterday night. Pretty happy with the result (plus, I'm doing it with Revell Acrylic colors VS Citadel colors... THe result ? Soone guys, soon...).
Actually the blue/green color (Turquoise) is the right color If I refer to the official documents. Like this one... :)


Thanks guys !

I completed the blue strips, added new darker colors to have the same one as the archive image.
The weathering is on its way...

The kit is almost done. But first thing first, have to share with you some pictures. This afternoon I think (darn Photobucket new agencement...). Or check my Facebook account :)
Here they are :D

OK. Here is my actual workbench, my bedroom...

I know "why would you do that since you have a real workbench and all. First it's too small to receive a beast like that. Second I really needed some space. Thirst There is a Rancor in the "real" workbench :D
THe ideal thing would be to have a desk like this. FOund it but never could I buy it since they didn't deliver the thing at home. 35 km on a bike would have been difficult :)

Well.. Back to business.

THe build itself is done, the detailing too. I started with painting some panels various colors, yellow, brown, blue, red, rust... I used a micro machine toys as a guide even though I consider this ship far from the actual color scheme of the well known Millenium Falcon.

The YT-1300 is clear grey, thanks to various veil of white spray can. It's not the best spraycan but it does the work here.

THe mandibles are not aligned but that will do.

Lighted. It's pretty cool, isn't it ?

The trenches are too well glued, the clamp make it wrap, but corelian ships have seen worse, isn't it ?

The details are not the genuine one but who cares. They blend in well and that's all I can ask for... :)


I could have redo the weapon but... Hell... Who cares this kinda detail ? That would have been a fragile piece anyway. THe window is painted with Tamiya Smoke Screen, we'll never see clearly the panels in it, only some diffuse ligth.


Glued a second translucid cardboard with some plastic cable on it. It works perfectly. Should have done this sooner.


THe painted panels are done. It looks more real, used... I began to use some Citadel Washes on the recesses. That's why you want the surface to be clear or clearer since washes and weathering will darker all that.

I used a LOT of brown washes in the mechanical parts. It will be matt or satin once dried.

I used a lot more on the panels underside, since the ship can be dirty when it landed on various planets.

With lights on it looks like darker anyway... :)

It looks good already but the next step will be to paint the blue strips.

With a regular paint brush, i painted a blue "turquoise", kinda green blue, to look like the original document from ST III.

I've done the weathering and various markings, still with simples brushes, no masking here... That will be the next step and pictures i'll share with you guys.


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