1/35 X-wing - Forced perspective Diorama

Re: 1/35 X-wing

ScaleModelMadman said:
Why are you taking credit for what the dog did?

I know she hopped on the bed and dropped that on your head this morning...


You know this sounds funny, but years ago, I actually let the dog chew up a part for this exact purpose. It came out just like it was in a bad accident. Don't underestimate the power of a dogs mouth.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks guys, If I let Chloe at this there'd be nuthin left!

Not sure what the weather's like where you are but it's HOT here. Great day to model in the shade.

Finished this bit just now:




All the usual suspects: wire, guitar string, aluminum tape, styrene rod.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

amazing work Scott. Your techniques for battle damage can be used on most any modeling subject.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I knew we were going to see some guts on the outside from the very first pics of the torn wing. :)
Excellent job as always, Scott!
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Oh wow your motoring now Scott, the battle damage is class, it will look sweet once painted
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks alot for the comments guys. I really appreciate it. I'm finding that a bit day by day gets me further than trying to have one 'full day' of building. Full days just don't happen. LOL.

While I'm sitting here surfing the interweb I'm starting to think about the design of the hangar. This scene will depict Rogue Squadron...timeline is at least 20 years after ROTJedi.

I don't want it to be Yavin or Home One but some kind of secret small base. Big enough that there could be a dozen ships there (not gonna model 11 more ships, just giving you an idea on the size of it.) Perhaps a base behind enemy lines...not sure. They do have a crane - lol. Handy. I want it to look Star Wars...duh - but I also want the freedom to invent something.

Any ideas? Links to reference pics would rock. Thanks again.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

ScaleModelMadman said:
I bet you made engine noises as you worked on that...


In deed! Vroom Vromm. Great work on those Damages... scott! Not too much! Just right!

Can't wait for your next update!
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I don't think there's too much material out there depicting Rebel bases (aside from the usual stuff, Yavin etc).

Could be an old abandoned Imperial base. I'm sure the new Republic would have assumed control of many of those after the RotJ.

Plenty of Imperial bases from FPS games such as Jedi Knight. You could try doing a google search for 'Jedi Knight screenshots'.

I'll take a quick look....

If you like the Imperial base idea, a good trademark of an imperial installation are those long lights running down the walls.


An old Star Wars design trick is to put lights on the floor and around some doors.


Here's an ambitious idea. Could you do something like this glass display? Just needs a few lines painted on it to look like a strategic map. Notice also, that most of the columns jut out at the top where they connect to the ceiling.


There are in some cases, large pipes running out of walls with little red lights glowing behind them.


Lots of random details in this screenshot.


OK, that took me alot longer than I thought it would. You could also search for games like The Force Unleashed and Knights of the Old Republic.

Hope that's of some use, Scott.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Scott Girvan said:
Thanks guys, If I let Chloe at this there'd be nuthin left!

Not sure what the weather's like where you are but it's HOT here. Great day to model in the shade.

Finished this bit just now:




All the usual suspects: wire, guitar string, aluminum tape, styrene rod.
..wow Nice Damage ..!
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks for the comments guys. Keeps me motivated for sure.

Igard, dood. Thank you and thank you some more. Great work there. I don't know the Star Wars games beyond the older N64 ones. This is great reference and I really appreciate your thoughts on the design too. Very helpful.

WOW. Google image search for screenshots from those games is yielding tons of reference. I read that in the Rogue Squadron game the rebels captured a Tie Interceptor...you can pilot it in the game too.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Ah you're bringing back some fond memories. And some not so fond memories, Bringing down the AT-ATs in Rogue Squadron was a nightmare!

Oh yes, great job with the wing. I love it how the 2 struts are visible in the open panel and then stick out the end where they've been blown off.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I agree Scott. A little here and a little there seems to move a project along. The wing is poppin'! Definitely looks like it's been torn from the X. The foil tape with the strands in it looks very good. I would be tempted to leave it shiny silver. It would look like an insulating blanket type deal. This is an exciting project!
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Oh I loved that game although I much preferred the secon one, Scott ild recommend u get it, it's great fun and you will see a rebel hanger or two along your travels,
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks guys. fumblethumbs - yes I plan to leave that silver. Not sure how to approach painting it though...mask it off and then primer or what?...a bit stumped there.

A bit more today. Since this wing has been removed by the crew there needs to be a way in which it was connected to the fuselage. So I came up with this; not the cleanest build effort so far...darn CA got away on me a bit. I won't be leaving to may thumbprints for the next day or two.

Kinda a few wiring harnesses and some structure that gets locked in somehow.


Re: 1/35 X-wing

Looks wicked!!! Well done mate PLEASE dont give up on this project its ganna be so cool once completed!!

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