1/35 X-wing - Forced perspective Diorama

Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks guys. Getting the kit parts on the wings now. I'll wait till I have a good lot done b4 and update.

Liquid mask....duh. Of course. Thanks.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks guys.

Igard...looking at this pic with the tranparent map. Great idea and I'm gonna give it a try. I think I can just use a large decal for the lines. The decal paper is transparent and it will allow me to design whatever I want, and maintain nice clean lines.




Maybe have a briefing room in there somehow....don't want this to become a 4' x 4' diorama...but I love the map idea.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

That's such a cool idea mate, Scott 'x wing' Gervan is at it again! :D
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Decals! Of course! Never thought of that! ;D

I notice also that they have those vertical, long shaped lights on the walls in that Clone Wars pic. Interesting, I've watched all the Clone Wars episodes and never noticed this.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

You mean the Empire rounded rectangle ones..offset and vertical right. Cool. Not sure if I'll go with a captured bunker...could be neat.

ENTER OCD...again.

So I'm working on the engine 'cans' and the kit parts aren't very accurate. Here's a pic showing the difference.


Note the part outlined in red..that scribed part. For some, a small detail...for me; a big deal. I tried to scribe it but that's beyond my current level of patience. Tried rolling out some thin Aves and making an impression with the rear kit part that has the detail....to thin.

So I have 2 choices here.

1. Go with what I have so far and consider it a one-off that the Rebels made...although every other X has the 'studio' panels - granted there is a tiny bit of variation.

2. I have another 1/35 kit. I could rape it and cut off the rear portion of the cans, and replace the front part with it. Means that I pretty much render my second kit useless. But I'd have one that's accurate-er.

It would give me something more like this:

I'd remove my crappy greeblies and make the correct shaped panels.

At the end of the day only you and I will know...so I ask: would you do it?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Scott Girvan said:
You mean the Empire rounded rectangle ones..offset and vertical right. Cool. Not sure if I'll go with a captured bunker...could be neat.

Yeah that's them, those lights are very recognisable as Imperial/Old Republic.

I think what you're going for though, is more of a small base that the Rebels have just set up?

At the end of the day only you and I will know...so I ask: would you do it?

I think it all depends on what you have planned for the 2nd model and how much value you place on it.

Also, could you salvage the 2nd model by finding something to replace that surface eventually in the future?

To honestly answer your question, personally I wouldn't dare 'cos I'd just end up messing both models up! So it's an easy decision for me! ;D

I'd just put a few thin strips of styrene down to 'resemble' that effect, though not as accurately.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

I see building that other one as Corran Horn's someday...really hate to butcher it.

If only i could scribe that pattern. Maybe I should give it a try...really slow...and start on the bottom cans. Won't see em much anyway.

Thanks for the talk Igard. I appreciate you buddy.

Here's a pic of Corran Horn's ship. There are a few interpretations out there but one thing we know is it was green, grey and black. He was a member of Rogue Squadron too.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Sweet work on the cans Bro!!! Vast improvement!!! Carry on Sir!!! ;)
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Here is a thought, how about scribing some sheet styrene and then wrapping it around the engine can? That way if you don't like it, you haven't damaged the engine part. If you do like it, great just glue it down.

If you use sheet styrene, what about scribing with a razor saw? That way you have neat evenly spaced lines.
Re: 1/35 X-wing


What about using .10 or .20 Styrene rod ( compare to th detail for correct size) to simulate th "scribed" section ? That way it would give you some nice clean depth. You could take you Handy-Dandy-Bran-eye- New Chopper & cut all of th rod at one time & attach with some thin cement ?

Great Work on th Wing ! For some reason I've missed a lot of this build ! :-[

Very Cool Idea on th Clear Map & Kudos for th Decal Idea, Dat's Boss !

SCOTT - Can you make a Decal of an Exploded View of an X-Wing ? In White & Small scale ,The Mechanics could be using that Clear "Map Board" to shoot a Hologram of th X-Wing as Reference Blue-Prints to fix it ?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

panzerace007 said:
SCOTT - Can you make a Decal of an Exploded View of an X-Wing ? In White & Small scale ,The Mechanics could be using that Clear "Map Board" to shoot a Hologram of th X-Wing as Reference Blue-Prints to fix it ?

That's a genius idea!

I think Grendels solution with the razor saw scribing is what I'd try first. I don't know if you could line a ruler up inside a mitre box to get the spacing right?
Re: 1/35 X-wing

panzerace007 said:
SCOTT - Can you make a Decal of an Exploded View of an X-Wing ? In White & Small scale ,The Mechanics could be using that Clear "Map Board" to shoot a Hologram of th X-Wing as Reference Blue-Prints to fix it ?

Brilliant idea! And that would make sense of the "Map Board" existence in the hangar.
About the engine parts - I would not have gone in the way of cutting one of the kits while there are other solutions either. I think that taking a rod is great - it would really give a great sense of depth that is hard achievable by custom work. And besides. Well, You are a great experienced modeler, Scott, but all of us have faced scribing, and can imagine what would it mean to scribe those tons of PARALLEL lines with several mm's of distance between them. That is a job that is better to give to a manufacturer's facility :)

By the way, about the base. If You don't want to make a rectangular dio, You might consider making it an edge of a cliff, like for ex. in the end of the Rebel Assault II

Yet another LP: Star Wars: Rebel Assault 2 (Part 9)

Rebels always loved to use natural structures that are not sad to leave instead of building something, so a swallow's nest makes sense as well.
Re: 1/35 X-wing

Thanks TRM.

John, Erik - Great suggestions here. Lots of great suggestions. I'm gonna try both the scribing thin stock idea and the tiny rod idea and see which works.

Cool idea for the exploded view blueprint. That will look cool.

That video gives me an idea for the base...great stuff Solander. I don't want to be HUGE but even having a blast door and on the 'outside' model it cut into a mountain. Could be cool and give me the opportunity for some ground work.

Lots to do!

I've narrowed down a list of the pilot figures I might attempt. So far Jaina is the only one for sure...although if I can model a sullustan female face I'll put that head on the other female body I have.
Kral Nevil - Quarren Male
Leth Liav - Sullustan Female
Lensi - Duros Male
Corran Horn - Male
Jaina Solo - Female

According to wookipedia they all served in Rogue Squadron at the same time period.

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