Re: 1988 Mclaren Honda MP4/4 Top Studio Build
Small Update:
so, i saw on the real car the nose is detachable. And on the model theres a definite line where this separation should be. but i already painted it and im DEFINITELY not painting it for a 3rd time and its rather risky cutting a painted model as everyone knows.. so i guess everyone can assume what my decision was.
CUT IT UP! woo.
It cut nice and clean. paint barely chipped. I must have done my job right. I do wish i had a razor saw and will be purchasing one this weekend. but i scored it with a hobby knife then finished her off with fishing line. then sanded it smooth. will just retouch and will add fasteners later. Im building a custom stand for the body and will leave the nose on the car. will look neat.
worked on the cockpit a bit. first time working with seatbelt material. looks cool, pain to work with. oh, and if you never touched the stuff. you MUST make any cuts before removing it from the paper backing. if you try to mess with it once its off its just a mess and unravels. also, its sticky backed but it wasnt enough to hold the fold overs, and when i put CA on it to hold it, it just reacted with the glue and made a mess. so i just redid it and pressed it firmly and hope it holds.
First up is the seat.
Those black strips were all cut from this square of material they gave me. same stuff as the strap on the ECU. wasnt too bad to do actually. getting it to stay down was a bit of a challenge but i used a hair dryer to soften the stickers into submission. they played nice after that.
Here it is with the belts on. Keep in mind the over shoulder ones arent there yet cause the hardware to attach it to the car required the seat to be installed.
In car view. Also i added the CF shifter box and one line. Havent done the other side yet. much more cockpit detail to come. sorry the pics are dark.