Alright guys, I took the leap since I got home far before the's the SBS and a short video. I apologize for quality and content ahead of time.
My tools used: a spare tile as a heat safe work surface/ lead free solder/flux paste/ mini butane torch

Getting jiggy with it! Seriously, LionRoar made life easy with this!

Stainless frames inserted into their tab holders

The rear edge aligns all the slats perfectly

Brush the flux paste onto only where you want the solder to flow. Here being right where the slat meets the stainless frame at the 2 points

Next, shave off teeny tiny pieces of solder for each junction you wanna solder. Even these pieces were somewhat too large

To make the process quicker, I inserted nearly all the rest of the slats and shaved all the requisite solder in advance

Brush on the flux, which helps hold the shavings in place, and run the butane torch over the shavings only until they melt and flow into the gaps.

Your product will turn out like this once you carefully raise it uniformly from the jig after letting it cool completely.
I also annealed the entire structure to prevent warping from rapid cooling.

Store your completed pieces away so they remain safe and sound while you slave away on nearly 25 more assemblies
Here's my short clip which may or may not confuse the masses

hope this helps others in their endeavors!
Flame Soldering Slat Armor - Bronco Buffalo MPCV LionRoar S