COMPLETE - Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Bit of an update. While I'm waiting for the glue to dry on the wall structure I've been experimenting with the stucco cutouts, graffiti, a new drain and a stop sign.

The graffiti will be decals and have a transparent background. The artwork comes from actual Tripoli graffiti. (The one with the caricature actually says "The Rebels Are Coming!")

Scored a nice pic of a Libya stop sign as well. Bonus. This will be weathered, bullet holes etc...

Comments, suggestions etc...more than welcomed as I enter the final stage of this build.


Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

this is going to look fantastic painted
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Mmmm ... a RPG-7 in that scene could increase the dramatism of the scene ... maybe the kneeled guy... a small tank-hunter team...
The dio is going very well, Scott... :)
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

This keeps getting better and better Scott it !

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

That's a great idea Jelly...but I don't have one.

Thank you both! Mixing up a concrete cocktail right now.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Stupid Question time ::) couldn't you scratch build one Scott?
I mean I've seen some very basic homemade looking lunchers on TV.
A man of your talents should have no problems getting something to look authentic :D

just wondered buddy.

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio


I'd need a reference pic though. Anyone care to find me one? I'm so lazy....and mixing up concrete stew.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Just did a quick search of bazooka on google and got this 8)

I think its Russian, not my speciality.

Hope this helps


[attachment deleted by admin]
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Mine looks like a pea shooter next to those two.

And they say size doesn't matter?

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Very cool Scott. You are truly an artist with the high density foam.

Rob W.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thank you all! Both for the encouragement and the quick reply for reference.

What an amazing membership we have here.


OK. This is all new to me, for the most part. Here's what I've been up to tonight.

First, this step is all about texture. Although I've colored everything 'grey' that's just a basecoat if you will.

I started by mixing water, glue, plaster of Paris and some of this decorative sand. (I actually added a wee bit of Baking Soda as well. Don't ask my why?)


I scrubbed this on the cement block areas and then quickly removed most of it. The sand is too coarse however I found it gave me kinda realistic mortar lines. I then used to side of a round toothpick and rescribed a bit so as not to lose the lines completely. I'm calling this heavy texture #1.


Chinchilla Sand was recommended as a great scale sand. So I gots me some.



I pinched that on the blocks, dropped water on it with a brush and then stippled all the block surfaces.

I then combined water, glue, plaster, a pinch or two of finely sifted cat litter and Chinchilla Sand into a medium runny mix. I applied this on the curb, sidewalk, knee wall, top and vertical beams. Just a thin coating.


I immediately hit this with the hair dryer to speed things up and once dry I cut some of the texture back with a sanding stick. I did this mainly on the knee wall. Using a stiff brush I 'scribed' parallel lines into the sidewall, similar to what they really do to impart a grip. Adjacent sidewalk panels were scribed perpendicular just to give it some...whatever. Seemed like a good idea at the time. (If I had a dollar for every time I've said that...)

I now have a texture on the concrete blocks, different texture on knee wall and again another on the sidewalk and curb.

Still along way to go.



Comment, suggestions etc... bring em.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Nice composition, Scott. The scene has dramatic effect, The tension of the insurgents peering
around the corner. Story-telling is the hallmark of good diorama building, yours definitely has
this aspect covered.
Looking forward to the next installment.
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Yeah...coming in for another look!!! Outstanding base work Scott!! Master of the XPS!!!! Really fun to follow keep it going!!!!

Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Thanks guys! Happy to hear the 'story' aspect comes through. That's important to me.

Master?!?! LOL. I wouldn't say that. Apprentice. OK.


One last quick update. I have to get downstairs for a while. Been here since my last bite of supper.

Added the ground and pave using Das Modeling Material.


Smoothed it out, added some cracks, pressed in some kitty litter, tracks, made it uneven etc... then stippled all over with a stiff bristled brush.

I'll trim the overlap tomorrow. This needs to cure overnight. These pics kinda suck. Better ones tomorrow.


Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

Interesting that slurry you made out of that powder? Very handy! Will have to write that one down! Keep up the good work!
Re: Freedom - Meng Pickup Dio

:) Oh ! I also have a couple of the Das Pronto stuff (the brown one).
I haven´t used it yet, but I´ve readen here and there that it works great for the dio-ground creating purpose.

;D ;D Scott ... Why did you used the baking soda ? ? ???
PS : Scott, I´ve found this:

From TANK (Russia) :
Here in Europe that set comes with 05 RPGs (5,95 â'¬ )

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