humber mk.1 scout car

Wow this kit has some awesome detail to it. The photo etch parts look like they were very intricate. Nice work!
got some paint on this little bugger its a little slap dash at the moment but will sort it out before i close the two half's together

Nice work Geegad, always love to see some bling on a model! ^^

Love the interior, great paintwork and weathering so far!

cheers Wouter and eric for your words trying to drag this out till xmas so still a way to go

Rock-On ! I dig th detailing. Th Interior looks Phat ! Rock-It ! I dig th Humber. It has a very cool silhouette !

well finally seeing the draw backs with this model the fit of the top thing'y to the bottom thing'y is again truly shocking it looks like ive attacked it with a angle grinder here are the pics

and this is going to take some filling

at least the exhaust looks ok
Wow that is seriously Shocking edge to fix,

Exhaust is class.
Ola Geegad.

That is an awesome built so far. That interior looks the part. Well used and grubby. That exhaust is fantastic as well. as for the gap that really is a bit of a challenge but seeing your detail work so far in this built I'm confident it will turn out great.
cheers lads for your kind words should be able to get some work done on this disaster the gym is shut all day so full steam ahead the air will be blue in my house tom... ;)
Good luck Gee, with the state of that kit it looks like you'll need it.

I know you'll pull it off!
Hey G!! :D

I almost forgot you where working this kt :-[
Anyways man this build this MOST EXCELLENT that inside looks sharp. I see you'll have a little work on putting the halves together but should not be to big of a problem. Looking forward to see more of this.

Keep up the great work G! ;D

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