.... . . I saw a lot of the innards of a ship with water water everywhere .
and ate a lot of good food .
The Navy's known for that .
A/C , color TV and food 24 hrs a day . best and last cruise I did -- other than the lack of ports
Ladies & Gentlemen ,
I give to you
The Panther K ( well , turret at least -- - uh - almost . Sans gun( s ) )

There won't be any appreciable aperture to see into the interior but I painted and detailed what was there so I don't need to worry .
I added a rough facsimile of the TC's hatch hardware : ( the hatch is just sitting there - why its krook'd )

I had to add another double-hinged , sliding piece of inkage to the rear hatch assembly so it could negotiate the 15 degree increase in slope and remain on a level plane & remain compact in the closed position .

The new turret floor out front is at the proper depth since it can and will project past the hull roof .
Tamiya's turret floor is set high for manufacturing and assembly ease :
I sliced the antenna pot off the engine deck and made up a mount for the turret .

The L-100 barrel is still in transit ( we hope :

) so -- uh .
This turret will easily handle a cartridge over 900 mm , so the KT's 822 mm round is no problem .
The 770 allows 9 ready rounds to be stowed in the turret . 8 in the racks and one in the tube 8)
I might add some ammo or other details depending on what you can see past the figures and into the tank .
I'm thinking not much


- After fighting the camera and then Photobucket repeatedly to post those pics I noticed the mantlet is wedged over the shield :

-- always wear your glasses , Keith !
Here it is in it's proper location : ( I've never heard anyone complain about too many pics ;D )

At least you can see some of the texture here .
I made it lite -- these guys aren't suffering from a lack of resources or factories , so they have quality chit , man !

It's why I also removed the mounts for the Pilzen crane -- the support vehicles are FULLY equipped 8)
-- if you konk-out , they bring you a fresh , fully fueled new tank . With those paper floor-matts and new air-freshnr
Hopefully the barrel will arrive soon - Anyone order from The Barrel Store before ?
I see Canadian modelers complaining about import delays , but I don't know if this thing will get stuck in customs ??? ??? .. like 3 grams of aluminum ;D