Merseajohn's Corellian YT-2400 'outrider' 1/72 Resin

Thanks very much for the replies fellow nerds. Gotta pretty busy weekend coming up so I don't know how much progress there's going to be. Hopefully another update before Sunday night. I want to get this done by oct 1st so I can concentrate on the falcon group build. But I'm not going to rush (that's my biggest problem!). Thanks again guys this hasn't been that easy! But the real fun's about to start. :)
Very nice, John! I've developed a new found appreciation for this ship!

I'm assuming you chose where to place the coloured panels yourself? Did you ever find a good reference pic of the bottom?
Thankyou Grendels, Solander, Q and Igard. Iv added some decals (cant see in the pic as I took it on my iphone) and also some shading has been done. I think I may have over done it but once the satin coat has been dulled down and I introduce some weathering it should blend in :-[

That is looking soooo awesome. When you're done you gotta post a pic next to the Falcon.
Thanks so much guys, got alot of the weathering done today. All that needs to be done now is the side walls, blast marks, guns and little 'radar' things. I wanted to make this ship 'grubby' not banged up and battered like the falcon (in the book its a top notch, quick and reliable ship). So I think I'm getting close to the finish! The only areas that I'v used pastels is the recessed engine compartment and on the back of where the cockpit walkway is and were the fans are on top. The streaks have all been done with ak interactive's 'streaking grime' products (wish they did greys and blacks!). Hope you like it! Sorry if theres a lot of pics I got excited :D
NEVER a need to apologize for showing off something done this well.
You knocked this one out of the park.
That is flippin' kewl!!!!
Congratulations on a job well done. Especially after all the trials and travails concerning this project!
Thankyou so much for all the comments through this build chaps. This has been the most difficult model I'v ever made. The warping, gaps, weight, gluing and just the size of the thing! has made this a real challange but I'm glad with the finish and it even fits under the falcon (just!) But its done and heres the evidence with its old brother! (I'll try and get some better pics at night later 8))

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