Revell 1/48 Lunar Module

I've installed the doorway handle on the one side and I'm getting ready to install the "Gills" as I call them on either side of the doorway. They need to stick out just a smidge at the bottom.

The handle is a very fine sewing pin bent with a small needlenose. It's then wrapped in Kapton foil.

Here are the gills getting a bit of paint on the edges just prior to gluing with CA. I'll do that tomorrow night.
This is the first time I've had the major parts assembled since I began painting and detailing. The middle section is not complete and missing antennas galore but that's up next. There are a few bits missing on the face but I haven't found the right diameter styrene for the numerous vents and I still have the handrail that runs up the left side to do.


I am starting to think about just hanging this over my desk but I also want to build a base for it. Oh well. I guess I'll have to build another when I'm done. :)
You're doing a great job on this!

And I read your post about the little vents and if I can offer a suggestion ... I used a hollow "Q-tip" (bought 'em at al dollar store) and just cut off angled slices ... and it looks just fine!

For the foil, I've used chocolate bar wrappers ... what are you using? Yours looks right on!!

Your windows, rivets, front hatch details ... are all excellent! It's so-o-o nice to see your model!
Thanx for posting these!

@mallagoodee: Thanks for the Q-Tip tip. I may have some around here methinks.

I used candy foil. It comes in packets of 50 sheets at 4 inches square. Color on one side and silver on another. I bought a pack of gold and one of orange for $4 each at a bulk food store. UHU Power Gluestick was used to stick them to a piece of thicker aluminum tape (used for ductwork) which I then wrinkled up slightly. The color isn't 100% right but it was close enough. Other foil used was Bare Metal Foil (ultra bright chrome since my local was out of the brushed stuff)

@TRM et al: Thanks muchly!
For that helical antenna on the back of the LM, I simply took a small length of wire and wrapped it around a pencil point! And trimmed the excess and CA glued it on ... eezy peezy!

Keep up the good work!

After following your build here Jim, I ;D"pulled a Grendels" ;D and picked up this kit on the weekend. Seeing what you have done with the old Revell kit is truly inspirational (in a modelling sense). Mine certainly won't be the showpiece you're turning out but still, now I know that with some effort this kit can be very nice. Really enjoying the build! Keep up the great work.
fumblethumbs said:
After following your build here Jim, I ;D"pulled a Grendels" ;D and picked up this kit on the weekend. Seeing what you have done with the old Revell kit is truly inspirational (in a modelling sense). Mine certainly won't be the showpiece you're turning out but still, now I know that with some effort this kit can be very nice. Really enjoying the build! Keep up the great work.

LOL pulled a Grendels......
Thanks for the complements fumble. Hey Grendels, your name is a household word now! We should try to get you into the Urban Dictionary ;)
To "pull a Grendels". Verb. To spontaniousy purchase, without thought or care, a model kit which at the moment, captures ones attention.

I think that's a bit harsh. :) how about:

To "pull a Grendels". Verb. To spontaniousy purchase, with uncanny foresight to it's future usefulness, a model kit which at the moment, captures ones attention.

...or am I wrong? Guys, help me out.