Thanks for the comments guys!
Yesterday was decal day! WOOHOOOO!
Got all my tools and decal setting solutions out and organized:
Decaling Tools by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Decal Setting Solutions by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Did the upper hull and wing decals first. One decal on the tail fin broke in two as did one of the scalloped decals on one of the wings but I was able to match the edges up precisely so you can't even see where the breaks occurred:
Upper Hull and Wing Decals by
trekriffic, on Flickr
The big BOP decal that always makes me nervous was successfully applied. Having it printed in three sections really was a stroke of genius on the part of Round 2. It makes it a lot easier to apply the decal without wrinkling and tearing it; it also makes it much easier to squeeze out any trapped water. I took the advice from the instructions and cut the nacelle parts of the wing decal loose too to apply them last:
Lower Hull Bord-of-Prey Decal by
trekriffic, on Flickr
One problem with the thin decal material was fragility. There were some places where the edges of the decal fragmented. Such as this area here:
Decal Fragmentation by
trekriffic, on Flickr
I resolved to repair the boo-boos using a sheet of old military aircraft decals I keep in my stash for things such as this:
Using Spare Decals for Repairs by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Piece of Black Decal Material by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Applying Spare Decal Material to the Model by
trekriffic, on Flickr
The repaired decal:
Completed Reapair by
trekriffic, on Flickr
This big feather was missing its tip:
Feather Missing it's Tip by
trekriffic, on Flickr
A new tip was overlayed and covered iwth a coat of liquid decal film. All the repairs were brushed with Micro SOL followed by a brushing of liquid decal film:
Repairing the Feather Tip by
trekriffic, on Flickr
The reapaired tip:
Reapaired Feather Tip by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Another featehr was missing achunk from the side of it:
Another Feather to Repair by
trekriffic, on Flickr
A short piece of spare black decal was laid on. looks good enough for government work eh?
Feather After Repair by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Here's a famous angle of the BoP from Balance of Terror to wet your appetites:
Famous Angle from Balance of Terror by
trekriffic, on Flickr
Oh one other thing I did was add this mounting point to the port aft end of the ship:
Port Mounting Hole by
trekriffic, on Flickr
That's all for now. I'll let the decals dry overnight and seal them tomorrow with more gloss clear. Then she'll get a coat of matte flat before I go in with some pastel chalks.
Stay tuned my fellow centurions!