Thanks, guys!
Scott, well, the sign on the box tells that the AAT is in 1/32. But with the figures everything is a bit more complicated, cause actually they are all in their own scale, and look a bit weird next to each other (but I think that the correct scale relations were never a goal of their producers - I doubt that their common audience would bother with so precise measurements).
The droid I'm going to use is almost perfect 1/32. Along with that I've just measured the figures of Anakin and Obi-Wan from the same pack. After learning the hights of the actors I've calculated that the Obi-Wans figure is in 1/29, while Anakin is about 1/34, so You see the point.
Along with that, I think that if You don't put the figures standing straight in front of your X-Wing, that will do perfectly, 'cause it is almost impossible to see a difference between to mechanics one in 1/32 and another in 1/35 who are with their heads and shoulders inside the ship's guts, or the same thing with two pilots climbing into the cockpit with a help of a lagger. Besides, while moding the figures, and that is likely to be required, You can make them a bit shorter in knees and near the stomach to get the proper scale but keep natural body proportions (don't forget not to put their hand down along the body after that - they'll look like gorilla-monkeys ;D)
I might recommend You these packs as the most well related to your dio ones among the all from these series:
the link to the hole unleashed series list: