Solander's "Gungan Reaper" (AAT)

Thanks a lot to everyone! :)

Latest news from the workbench:

Got the side guns finally ready for painting and installation. Adding all those rivets was not the easiest task, thinking about how many else places on the model lack the rivets makes me bit frightened ::)

the turret is also almost complete with all the small modifications on the underside of the gun's mounting and several other places

also, I've added the lacking panel-lines

and turned to the details on the back side of the tank, around the main boarding ramp

Now, guys, I've got a question for those of you who enjoy building armor kits, as, shame on me, I've never built any real tank (I mean of coarse a model of a tank that ever existed in our world :))
My problem is that this kit lacks the traces of welding in absolutely all the points they should be, comparing to the studio model.
So, please, give me an advice of how it is best to simulate a welded joint?
Haven't chacked the latest posts in that thread lately.
And.. voila!.. that's exactly what I was looking for!
Thank You very much, Scott!
The rivets aren't as difficult as you think. I took 1/16" diameter Evergreen rod (or maybe it was 3/64" - either way) and cut a bunch of bits about 1/16" long and glued them in place. When they were dry, I sanded them down with a sanding stick - about 180 grit - to the height I wanted.
If the scale is right, you can make a Ribon of Green Stuff, a fine one, put it on the surface where you want to have a weld joint and before it dries apply a blade or a screwdriver (precision one) on it, rapidly.

that's one of the many ways to make weld joints.
Thank you very much for the compliments, guys! :)

Ziz said:
The rivets aren't as difficult as you think. I took 1/16" diameter Evergreen rod (or maybe it was 3/64" - either way) and cut a bunch of bits about 1/16" long and glued them in place. When they were dry, I sanded them down with a sanding stick - about 180 grit - to the height I wanted.

Thanks for the tip very much, Ziz. Thats the way I'm going as well, buddy. Just never like doing many repeatable actions, get bored to soon :)

YOULI said:
If the scale is right, you can make a Ribon of Green Stuff, a fine one, put it on the surface where you want to have a weld joint and before it dries apply a blade or a screwdriver (precision one) on it, rapidly.

that's one of the many ways to make weld joints.

Thank You, YOULI, I'll kip this way in mind for some areas hard to get with a plastic rods to ;)

Well, gluing it up together is almost done. Only some hangers in several spots are left + welding and adding the rivets.
Maybe this would make adding the last details a bit more difficult, but I couldn't resist putting the two main halves together any more :)

excellent work extra detailing is looking
great! Looking forward to paint i love the sandy colour
scheme they had on these!
Cool !

Have seen the Phantom Menace yesterday, couldn't help it but think about your AAT.
The movie is bad, even in 3D but it's the perfect way of seeing details of this tank.

Noticed that the interior is white, for example, didn't remember it that way.

;D ;D ;D
Really cool, Sol! I like seeing this put together, quite an impressive piece. :)
Yeah Sol, this tank just keeps getting sweeter and sweeter.
Really looking forward to seeing her finished. ;D
It makes me wanna build one.
Thank you for all the feedback, guys. Really pushes me forward towards finishing this one :)

I've been struggling with the welding so far, and it seems pretty much that there is no single technique for simulating it a haven't tried so far ::)
After all, in the end the technique that Ken showed in his HLJ Ma.K. Ketzer build gave the best looking result.

I've just returned from a 3-day rest in the countryside, and the kit is big, so there are more areas requiring welding effect still yet to finish, soso give me a bit more time, guys, and I'll tell and show you everything about simulating welding you ever wanted to know and see ;D

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