star trek online free to play.


Irish and proud of it :)
Jun 29, 2011
seeing as most of you guys here are into sci fi i taught i would stick this up, Ive no idea how many of you are gamers tough :), So any how if you are and would like to try it it is now Free to play. and since i last played it 2 years ago its now Really enjoyable,
I've been playing on and off for a year now, and it's improved massively.

I can't stand the multiplayer, but it's surprisingly a very good single player experience. I like the weekly missions. It's the closest you're gonna get to Star Trek on the TV each week (the way it should be).

Also, love the foundry (custom) missions too! They're sometimes better than the missions the devs make!

Oh yeah, gonna start playing this again soon. I miss my ship! :-[
Downloaded and started playing it. Its not bad. I am partial to the ship to ship fighting as opposed to the away missions, but it is all good.

No World of Tanks....but it is a good distraction.
Ya it's improved a lot, I've only played 2 of the player content and they were good.

Scott I enjoy both but the space combat is really good, soon I'll be doing the Borg missions and I'm looking forward to that.

I could never get into wot prob because I was to busy in eve
Can play WoT any time, doesn't have to just be in the evenings.

Coming soon as well, World of Aircraft, and later, World of Battleships!
Free to play :eek:

I used to play this when it first came out and it didn't grab me the way i'd hoped it would, how have they improved the gameplay? I always liked the ship-to-ship stuff but the away missions bored the hell outta me big time.

I do miss playing SFC and this was the closest i've found too it in a long time.

Thanks very much for the info, spud!
Had some really great gaming hours tonight having read your post and immediately registered.
Always wanted to play this MMOG but waited right for this moment - I knew it would come eventually :)
And you know, pretty much enjoyed the gaming experience - a really well done game.
Doubt that I would devote really much to it with the running account in SW: The Old Republic (after all this game can't bit it imho) but still would love to see some more outer-space planet where no one has gone before))
its good fun that dont cost a penny, but if you like the game you can still pay a sub.. I also wanted to play this game but running 3-4 eve accounts kinda made it hard but now its free, and i dont play eve as much as i used to thank to me taking up this hoby again :)
fubar said:
Free to play :eek:

I used to play this when it first came out and it didn't grab me the way i'd hoped it would, how have they improved the gameplay? I always liked the ship-to-ship stuff but the away missions bored the hell outta me big time.

I do miss playing SFC and this was the closest i've found too it in a long time.


Matt, the ground combat is much faster than before. There's an FPS mode, but that doesn't work very well.

It's not such a grind anymore, and there are endless missions to play in the foundry.

Best thing though IMO, is the duty officer system. Basically, you've got a compliment of crewmen, ensigns and civilian experts, whom you can send on mini missions for extra XP. You've got to assign them duties on the roster, send them on research, diplomacy, tactical missions. Just like a real crew!!! :D

They've done a good job with it I think.
I just finished the romulan missions. They were fun, photonic fleet is awsom.! Long recharge tough but worth it. Tomorrow if Ill be starting some cardasian missions and I'm hoping to have as much fun
Photonic fleet rocks!

I'm on the brink of promotion to rear Admiral!!! Gonna keep my title as Captain though, and I'm not changing my pips. :)
lol. im on the fence as what ship to go for next. it will be the same class but i duno, im also lucky that i have like 900c store points to go toward the last ship, pitty ya cant unlock that one :(
HAHA, just completed my first mission....battling Orions on a freighter.

Promoted to LT, and got my 2nd bridge officer (a Trill...mmmm LOL)

OK...when do I get a Sovereign class? This little frigate needs some more punch! LOL
haha, be a while before ya get it :p what did you think of the away mission, some are Rubbish and most are good, one of the last missions agesnt the remen/romulans takes an epicly long time, but the reward is trally good,

One other thing i love is all the missions and rewards are scaled to your rank so if you do a lower level mission it will be scaled up to your rank, i think thats cool.
Away missions aren't bad....just wish they would leave the phaser rifle as the primary instead of switching it back to the hand held phaser....I like my first sniper shot....evens the odds nicely!!

Taking a bit of time to figure out how to mount collected weapons on the ship...and how to get the in game credits. But getting it sorted out.

Still like the ship to ship battles better, but on a whole it is good....and the best part it is free. Picked up a Quantum Torp launcher somewhere....thing is...when I go to mount doesn't replace the launcher I have now, but replaces my forward firing phaser instead....that seems weird at best, but oh well.

Downside.....another free MMO taking up time I should be modeling! LOL
Try removing the torp launcher from the ship first.

cridits come fairly easy, its the dilithium is hard enough to come bye, well it is at the moment.

as for weapon i couldnt agree more but a mate of mine just told me swap there positions to see if it will work,
Yip, pretty soon you'll be rolling in energy credits. Dilithium is pretty slow to accumulate, but I reckon once we get into the duty officer missions, they could earn quite a bit more for us.

Do you guys like the duty officer system?

I need more duty officers. I've only got 21 at the moment out of a possible 200. I think there are duty officers missions that reward you with more duty officers, but I haven't run into one yet....

Apart from that, it's good fun. Makes me feel like the boss, shuffling all my subordinates around. ;D

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