star trek online free to play.

Oh ya i love it, ive got 2 Very rare officers from it. you need to do the federation recruitment candidate missionsto get more officers. My count is 46 of 100. and my mate said there is plenty of dilithium to be had in breen space ill see soon enough, go on the weapon thing. I either have 2 phasers and a torp launcher, or one reg. torp, one quantum torp (that replaces a forward phaser) and a rear phaser. The Quantum torp will only go in one slot.

Also in my inventory, I have some things that would improve the ship, like better impulse engines, and while I can right click and select "equip" it still stays in my inventory, and says some crap like " If you equip, you can't sell it" or some crap like that. Frustrating, as it seems like it isn't working 100%
That just means you can't sell it to an other player, but you can use the ship replicator to recycle it and get about half the value of it, it will say that for any thing you equip so I wouldn't worry about it, when you get further into the game an get better rewards you can list them on the exchange if you have no need for it.
I just signed on to this game.
Now there's one more reason why I don't work on the bench as I should be.
But I have to admit, it's a cool game.
I've just moved my workstation to my computer desk!!! It's the largest work area I've got, so it made sense to do so. Now I'm thinking, could I play STO with one hand and build my Fine Molds Tie Interceptor with the other.... ::)
LOL best of luck with that when you hear Resistence is Futile... ;D
U.S.S. Napier, Galaxy class.

Here I am on the bridge...


Exploring a Nebula....


And under attack from Klingons....


Very nice. i picked the recon science ship seems pretty powerfull so far
USS Fredericton here....why? Well that is where I live and my home town.

What ship....don't remember the class....but whatever you start with....kind of a modern Miranda class
it sounds very fun I've got a account on it but can't use it because my pc is a bit on the old side
ECH, I did that for my first ship, the USS Linlithgow (my home town). :)

Good going there, spud!

I really like the new Odyssey class (Enterprise F). I think they'll make it really difficult for us to attain it though.
Igard them Ships are gona be free, altough ya will need to be lvl 50 i recon to use them.

lol blacksheep
Yeah, you'll get an inventory item that can only be opened at Vice Admiral/lvl 50.

Question is, how many hoops do we have to jump through to get it? I think they'll make it difficult.

I hope I'm wrong. ;D
Oh, I'm sure it's going to cost $$$ somewhere down the road.
If this game has been out there for a while (and I never heard of it) it probably wasn't doing that good. Hence the free play thing.

I hear Star War Galaxies has gone free to play as well.....after Sony screwed it up so bad, no one would play it anymore. do you get other ships? Seems the in game credits and not the monetary you trade/sell items for.

Managed to get the weapons sorted out...seems I had to stop at a DS or Starbase and visit the shipyard to do any wholesale changes. Makes sense really, not going to change out a Torp tube on the fly in deepspace.
Ok, did a bit of reading on the forums and it seems that starting 2nd of February, there will be a 4 day 2year anniversary event.

Part of this event will be a solo play mission where the reward will be the new Odyssey class starship, the future Enterprise F and new flagship of the fleet! :D

After this event, the mission will no longer be available and the ship will then only be available via the c-store.

@Black Sheep 1, the game changed ownership from Atari to Perfect World a couple of months ago. Perfect World are an MMO company that runs successful F2P models in the past, so the switch can be explained in part due to that, but you're probably right, alot to do with the recent competition.

@ECH, never had to go to spacedock to change equipment before. It should work no matter where you are.

Energy credits are used to buy new ships, but you can't sell them. There is a vendor at the shipyards on Earth Space Dock. You have a set number of ship slots, once those are full, you have to start decomissioning ships.

Certain ships can only be obtained via the c-store for real money.

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