star trek online free to play. my ship for promotion. Choice between a Nova Science (and it's variants) Steamrunner Escort (and its variants) or Constitution (and it's variants)

Guess which one I took! LOL

And.....figured out that when you are in your ship...and click the "U" key, it opens up the same panel to customize your ship as if you were at space dock and talking to the guy that will customize your ship. As well your inventory opens and you can then drag and drop to your heart's content.

Big "DUH" moment for me when I found it. only problem is when I got the Constitution I could take a couple of other variants, but the one I wanted (Exeter Class) I choose the save....but when I go to space it still shows me in a Constitution (not that there is anything wrong with that).

Did have an "Oh crap" moment. When I got the Constitution into space (after I took off the good stuff from my old ship and put it on the new one, and recycled the old one) I noticed I didn't have any of my bridge officers.....thought....holy crap I lost them when I sold the old ship, but I just had to place them in their new positions on the new ship. Crisis averted!!
lol, i taught i said that about the "U" key..? and reson mostlikey for you not getting teh skin is it could be a C store thing,
Yeah, there's alot of 'tribal knowledge' in this game. No way to find out about certain things without asking others.

The Exeter class is the new Tier 2 ship. It's only available for purchase in the c-store. So that's where the game ends being free and you have to fork out some money I'm afraid.

But hey, you can view it as a donation. If you're enjoying the game, why not give something back. They'll probably need the help with such strong competition now. And the Exeter class is very nice.
i had a fair ammount of c points so i spent â'¬5 to get enough to get me the nebula class advanced science ship.
I've spent quite a bit in the C-store over the last year. Got the TOS bundle on discount, Catian and Ainar bridge officers and a couple of bridge packs. Bought the duty officers 100 extra slots, but seems like a waste right now since I've still only got about 20 duty officers. ;D

The TOS bundle is really cool. I've got an alt who I'm playing as a TOS character! The hand phasers are just pure classic fun!
when i pre ordered mine i got the tos uniforums, not the whole lot of them tough ;( . I rank 50 tonight, and i have to say some really cool missions on the way there.
just tried out the borg elite STF missions and Man are they hard. out of 3 we managed to do one. good fun tough
I may try to reinstall it tonight then. Are the only races available to play still only Federation and Klingon?
no theres loads even an alien wich you can make into any combination you want. there is a few on teh c store you can buy if you want to later on.
I always wanted to play as Cardassian and fly around in a pimped up Galor class!! ;D
There are still only 2 factions, Matt. Lot's of races to play within those factions. I think the next will be Romulan (my personal faves!), but there's nothing concrete yet. Carddies would be next, but we're talking a long way off, and the game needs to remain competitive, something I'm still skeptical of.
Well did the first Q mission, got the what?

Also did the special mission with the ship.....damn cool...all those phasers! LOL

The only thing I don't get, is why the torp launchers only fire one torp....or 2 high charged ones with the special ability of your Security officer. On the smaller ships I can see one or 2 torps at a time, but something like the Ent. E, could fire a volley of 4 or 5 at once, yet the new ship (which is really supposed to be the Enterprise F), can only fire one normal, or 2 special.

Ahhh well...either to wait until lvl 50 to use it. Since I am only lvl 18 currently....long way to go!
you need the Torp Volly skill for that Scott train your security officer in it it can be handy.
MMM yeah, I have that....ends up firing 2 torps.

I am thinking of Star Trek First Contact....when the Ent E goes after the ends up firing 4-5 torps at it (missing fortunately). I would have though that this new ship would have been able to at least do that.
OK, so I finally got to a point where I was granted a second ship (Constitution Class of course).
But my crew is still on my old ship.
Can I transfer my crew over?
How do I do that?
I did the same thing Black fact I sold the old ship before seeing if my crew would transfer over, thought I lost them all.

In your new ship, hit "U", and in the window that opens, at the top there should be 3 tabs. Once says "Stations" that and you select what officer goes where.

Funny, I just tried to log in, and apparently the servers are full? And I was in a cue to log in?? LOL Popular game is their servers are being over run!

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