star trek online free to play.

And for every 10 ranks you get a free ship. A friend of mine will be pissed when I tell him that but I'm sure he has plenty time to rank up his Klingon toon.
ECH, are you right clicking the component and selecting 'equip' or are you doing a drag and drop? I always drag and drop from the inventory to the equipment slot, then I choose to bind it.

@spud, that's correct I forgot about that, but there are a couple of ships like the Tier 3 Excelsior and Nebula classes that you'll need to buy with energy credits.

So the Odyssey special mission is being described as a 'shakedown' run. That sounds very promising. Sounds like we'll at least get to try out the new ship. Fingers crossed it'll be an easy grab. The cynical side of me still says it's to good to be true. Must be a catch...

Ok, I might finally make Rear Admiral today. Seems to be levelling much faster than before. Not sure I'm a fan of that. The duty officer missions do give alot of XP.
It does level fast. freiend of mine started 2 days after i came back and i had a 15 level head start and he is 2 ranks ahead of me already...

Done my first STF agenst the borg and it was fun, Picked up some nice loot too. and i could get to rank 50 today too with some luck.
lol. well um.. ya... ;D when you do get out of that it gets realy good.
Oh don't get me wrong. I'm having tons of fun with this game.
I may cancel my sub to the new Star Wars The Old Republic and stick with this one.

Now what mayor dif between the paying membership vs the free one?
lol, the price of that game is off putting and not even a free trial.. il stick with sto for 2 good reasons its fun and a lot of my friends play it. and a lot more now its free ;D
spud said:
lol, the price of that game is off putting and not even a free trial.. il stick with sto for 2 good reasons its fun and a lot of my friends play it. and a lot more now its free ;D

BTW Spud did you find the Tamiya ambulance?

I left you a not on you Buy, Sell, Trade post.
spud said:
And for every 10 ranks you get a free ship. A friend of mine will be pissed when I tell him that but I'm sure he has plenty time to rank up his Klingon toon.

OK....I am at lvl 11....didn't get no free ship! LOL
ECH, are you right clicking the component and selecting 'equip' or are you doing a drag and drop? I always drag and drop from the inventory to the equipment slot, then I choose to bind it.

I have double clicked from inventory, right clicked and select equip, and it still gave me some notice about if I bind it, I can't trade it, but yet it didn't mount it. The only way I could do anything was to go to a space dock, go to the shipyard and do it at the ship outfitter there.

Drag and Drop never worked either.

Also.....the only other ships I can find to buy is purchased with C money, how do you get it (or is that the non-free part of the game), or is that what you get when you refine the elusive dilithium? Would love to have a Constitution class, which only cost 400C, but no idea how to get it.
go to the admiral on earth space dock he will give you a promotion and a token to get a free ship.

400c points is around 5$ or dilithium can be sold for c points im not fully uptodate with that part my self but teh going rate is 295 dilithium per c point. there are some missions you get a decent ammount of it for.

here is a list of the missions
ECH, it could be that the components you've got can only be equipped once you get your promotion. Try after you've had the promotions ceremony that spud mentioned.
Nah...I can go to a space dock and swap out the weapons, equipment and such fine there, just won't let me do it on the fly, well one weapon slot will.

For example the ship I have has a fwd phaser, fwd torp and rear phaser.

I got a Quantum torp for kicking some alien's behind, which of course I would replace the fwd torp with...however when you dbl clicked on it, it would only slot itself into the #1 position where the fwd phaser was....however if I went into space dock, I could delete the reg torp and replace it with the quantum one.

Same with the rest of the equipment.
click and hold the mouse button on the item on your ship drag it to your items and put on the one you want. try that next time,
Alright. I'm going to give this a try. Just went through the first training scenario. Graphics can't keep up. Either that or my connection speed. I'll keep messing with it when I get time.
it not that grapicly intence so unless you pc/laptop is really old it should be ok, do you know what sort of graphics card you have?
Some onboard ATI chipset. The PC is @ 6 months old. I'm on wireless from another building so who knows.
ShutterAce said:
Some onboard ATI chipset. The PC is @ 6 months old. I'm on wireless from another building so who knows.

Most on board cards share memory with PC memory. So if your PC had only 4 MB of memory, you are probably seeing memory problems. Some of the PC's I have at work have 3 MB of memory on them and they cannot play 5 year old games without lagging.
6 month old pc should be well able to play this game because teh game engine is from city of heroes wich is an Old game now, sounds more like your connection to me

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